Electrical + Computer Engineering + Engineering Physics

The information on this page is intended for students who have been admitted to one of the following programs:

  • Electrical / Electrical Nanotechnology
  • Computer / Computer Software / Computer Nanotechnology
  • Engineering Physics / Engineering Physics Nanotechnology

 Program-Specific Notes

  • ECE 202/210 labs alternate in the Fall term so make sure you register in the designated sections which will alternate. Check the Class Remarks in My Schedule Builder or the Class Notes in Bear Tracks for information on which labs will alternate. All other ECE labs will not alternate with other classes and this information is in the class notes.
  • Register in your second year courses before August 7: you will have priority registration until that date. ECE 202, ECE 210 and PHYS 230 will then be opened to other students for registration.
  • Computer Engineering students: Register in your second year courses early, especially PHYS 230 and CMPUT classes. Only certain sections will timetable with your core classes, and access to these classes will be available to other students beginning on July 19 and August 7.
  • Electrical Engineering students: You will be able to register in PHYS 230 starting on July 19. Please read the Class Remarks in My Schedule Builder or the Class Notes in Bear Tracks if you receive a ‘Requisites Not Met’ error message.
  • Stay on-sequence according to the Calendar. Many ECE courses are only offered in one term. If you fail or withdraw from a course, it may delay your program completion by up to a full year.
  • If you are on-sequence and are unable to register in a core MATH or PHYS course, contact enggadvising@ualberta.ca. Please ensure you include your student ID in your message.
  • If you are on-sequence and are unable to register in a core CMPUT course you will need to contact the Computing Science department at csugrad@ualberta.ca. Please ensure you include your student ID in your message.
  • Many CMPUT courses will have a designated section for Engineering students (E section): check the Class Remarks in My Schedule Builder or the Class Notes in Bear Tracks for restriction information.
  • MATH 201 (which has MATH 209 as a corequisite) is a prerequisite for core courses in Winter term. If you withdraw from or fail MATH 201, you may delay your degree completion by a full year. Follow up with an advisor for your options. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm in Computer Engineering and cannot find a Group II Program Elective to fit my schedule. What should I do?
Contact your program director at eceacug+ce@ualberta.ca to request approval of a CMPUT, ECE, or MATH course that is not on your current Program Elective list. Note: The course you request approval for must have some application to your current program to be considered.
Can I take courses extra to my degree program?

You must have approval from your program director to register in a course that is extra to those listed in your Program Sequence. Contact your program director to request approval:

Electrical Engineering program director email: eceacug+ee@ualberta.ca

Computer Engineering program director email: eceacug+ce@ualberta.ca

Engineering Physics program director email: eceacug+ep@ualberta.ca 

I’m in Computer Engineering and when I try to register in a required CMPUT course it says it is restricted to Science students. What should I do?

Some of the core Computing Science courses will have one section reserved for Science students & another section for Engineering students. The Engineering class section will include the letter “E”.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024