Service Governance Stream

The university recently underwent significant change with numerous new roles through a shared services and partnership model and the associated redistribution of administrative activities. As a result, the university is facing capacity issues, service gaps and inconsistencies in the understanding of governance, roles and responsibilities for the delivery of services.

This stream will provide a review of the university’s existing core enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems (Finance, Student Administration, Procurement), human resources administrative services and supporting processes and information to identify current gaps and implement critical improvements. A key outcome of this stream is to address the service governance issues, clarify service and process ownership, and the roles and responsibilities within each service and the supporting processes.

what we're working on

Browse the below list to see projects we're moving forward to improve administrative processes. 

Note: Each project will deliver a series of incremental changes with all changes being completed by the expected completion date. Dates are subject to change based on new information.


  • Todd Gilchrist, Vice President, University Services, Operations and Finance — Project Sponsor and Stream Lead
  • Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell, Dean and Vice-Provost, College of Natural and Applied Sciences — Project Sponsor
  • Kerrie Johnston, College General Manager, College of Social Sciences & Humanities — College Liaison
  • Rob Munro, Executive Director, University Initiatives Office — Program Lead
  • Greg McIntyre, Business Consultant
  • Jacqui Frechette, Business Analyst
  • Kolby Walters, Enterprise Change Management Lead