Built for Purpose: The University’s Strategic Campus Plan

Share your feedback as the strategic campus plan is developed.

Built for Purpose: The University’s Strategic Campus Plan outlines the University of Alberta’s long term priorities for infrastructure utilization, space optimization and investment prioritization to meet our strategic objectives and growth targets over the next 20-years. As the University of Alberta continues to focus on its mission of Leading with Purpose and work towards its goals of enrolling 60,000 students within the next decade, we are making concerted efforts to ensure infrastructure and spaces best serve the needs of the growing university community, today and tomorrow.

Built for Purpose envisions the university’s five campuses (North, South, Campus Saint-Jean, Enterprise Square and Augustana) as vibrant, sustainable, accessible and collaborative spaces that give our students rich, memorable and meaningful experiences, ensure our researchers benefit from quality research spaces and supports and allow our campus communities to thrive by delivering transformational opportunities to learn, innovate, create, collaborate and support well-being.

The plan identifies development, redevelopment, renewal and space optimization priorities that will help bring the university’s vision to life, as articulated in Shape: The University Strategic Plan 2023-2033 and the Integrated Asset Management Strategy.

View the draft plan

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What we build and how we build it

Built for Purpose (formerly known as the asset management master plan) is a key component of the Infrastructure Planning Landscape that connects our institutional and campus planning strategic plans (what we build) to our planning tools (how we build it).

Together, our campus planning strategic plans, which include the Integrated Asset Management Strategy (also known as IAMS), the Long Range Development Plan and sector plans, as well as Built for Purpose, provide the foundation for effective infrastructure management. They will support the teaching, learning, and research priorities of the institution through targeted infrastructure investments where it is needed to support growth.

Plan development process

This project kicked off in January 2024 and is scheduled to be completed in March 2025 when the plan is presented to the Board of Governors for approval.

January - February 2024
Environmental Scan and Discussion Papers

A broad analysis was conducted of existing U of A plans, current state conditions, key trends, issues and drivers for managing and setting priorities for the physical campus. This work culminated in a series of discussion papers on various campus and space planning topics such as labs, classrooms, student spaces, and libraries and museums. Discussion papers summarized current conditions and opportunities and considerations for the future. Discussion papers were shared with key interest holders for feedback.

February - June 2024
Initial Draft and Targeted Engagement

Feedback on the discussion papers was received and incorporated into an initial draft plan along with results of the analysis in Phase 1. The initial draft was shared back with the key interest holders from Phase 1, as well as a broader group of subject matter experts and project advisory groups including the Space Optimization Working Group (now the Built for Purpose Working Group) and Executive Oversight Committee (EOC).

July - September 2024
Draft Refinement

Feedback from Phase 2 was reviewed, analysed and summarized for the purposes of refining the plan over a series of iterations, While continuing to check-in with interest holders, subject matter experts, and project advisory groups.

October - December 2024
University-wide Engagement and Focus Groups, Review and Documentation

A revised plan, incorporating feedback and findings from previous phases has been completed and is being circulated through several governance bodies for review. In addition, university-wide engagement will occur including town halls, a survey, and focus groups on key topics addressed in the plan.

December 2024 - January 2025
What We Heard Report and Final Draft of Built for Purpose

All feedback collected will be summarized in a What We Heard report, with feedback considered for incorporation in the plan. A final draft of Built for Purpose will be prepared to proceed through governance for final review and approval.

January - March 2025
Submit Built for Purpose to Governance for Review and Approval

The final draft plan will be submitted to governance bodies for review culminating with the Board of Governors who will make a decision to approve the plan or recommend further revisions. If approved, the plan will be released and published on the university’s website.

Share your feedback

Town Halls

Town halls are open attendance with the intention of informing our university community of the development of the plan and encouraging feedback from every area that supports the institution. The same information will be presented at both town halls, followed by a Q&A discussion.

Focus groups

We invite you to register to participate in one of the below virtual focus group sessions where you will have the opportunity to provide valuable input on the future of campus spaces. We are hosting focus groups on the following topics:

  • Student Spaces | November 8 (10:30 - 11:30 a.m.)
  • Research Labs | November 13 (1 - 2 p.m.)
  • Learning Spaces, Classrooms, and Instructional Labs | November 19 (9 - 10 a.m.)

Register to participate

Focus groups are intended to gather feedback and input from diverse groups and subject matter experts on key topics or areas of interest addressed in the plan. Input will inform the plan content to ensure that it aligns with and reflects key trends, opportunities, and considerations observed or experienced by interest holders, while also supporting the institution’s current operating model, growth objectives and space optimization efforts.


A survey will be available soon!

Additional Engagement

We will be engaging with several committees to gather input from the university community. These committees will focus on the following three topics:

  • Campus Accessibility and connection to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
    • Council on Systemic Ableism, October 16
    • EDI Leads Network, November 1
  • Indigenous Perspectives and connection to Braiding Past, Present, and Future
    • Indigenous Advisory Council, TBD

If you have specific feedback you would like to share on any of these topics, please reach out to a committee or council member directly or submit your written feedback to sipp@ualberta.ca.

Questions + Feedback

We want to hear from you! Any thoughts or feedback you may have regarding Built for Purpose or the process to develop the plan can be shared at the town halls, by registering for a focus group, or by sending an email to sipp@ualberta.ca. Please also keep an eye out for further information regarding the opportunities to submit feedback through a survey.


Built for Purpose is jointly sponsored by the administrative and academic sides of the campus community.

Executive co-sponsors are Verna Yiu, Provost and Vice-President Academic and Todd Gilchrist, Vice-President, University Services, Operations and Finance.

Project sponsors are Marvin Washington, Vice-Provost and College Dean, College of Social Sciences and Humanities and Ashley Bhatia, Associate Vice-Preisent, Infrastructure Planning, Development and Partnerships.

Built for purpose working group

The Built for Purpose Working Group is tasked with the creation of a strategic campus plan, including key performance indicators. The Working Group is made up of members from various academic and administrative areas across the university to ensure a comprehensive approach to developing the plan and to compile broad input from across the campus community.

Ashley Bhatia (Chair)
Associate Vice President, Infrastructure Planning, Development and Partnerships

Simaan Abourizk
Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Jason Acker
Associate Vice President, Research Integrity Support

Alexis Anderson
Campus General Manager, Augustana Campus

Haseeb Arshad
President, Graduate Students’ Association

John Benson
Director, Facility Services

Joanne Bortnick
Director, Strategic Infrastructure Planning and Partnerships

Darren Fast
Associate Vice-President, Innovation and Knowledge Mobilization

Levi Flaman
VP Operations & Finance, University of Alberta Students’ Union

Rick Fix
Director, Digital Infrastructure, Information Services & Technology

Keith Franklin
Director, Infrastructure, Strategic Projects, Safety and Risk Management, Campus Saint-Jean

Sara Horseman
Faculty General Manager, Faculty of Native Studies

Anna Hughes
Associate Registrar, Enrolment Management, Office of the Registrar

Kerrie Johnston
College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Paul Krueger
Senior Finance Partner, Finance Partnerships

Christine Ma
College General Manager, College of Health Sciences

Jacqueline McLeod
Head, Strategic Infrastructure Planning

Julie Naylor
College General Manager, College of Natural and Applied Sciences

Ramish Raza
Co-President, International Students’ Association

Hannan Sandu
Co-President, International Students’ Association

Bobbi Schiestel
Faculty General Manager, Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Jennifer Tupper
Dean, Faculty of Education

Elaine Yacyshyn
Vice-Dean, Faculty Affairs, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Josh Zarobiak
Director, Integrated Communications (Administrative)

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