In Fall 2019, the School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) conducted its 30th annual employment survey of graduates of the Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) program at the University of Alberta. The phrase '2018 graduates' includes graduates who convocated in November 2017 or in June 2018. The survey was sent to sixty potential respondents with thirty-four responding for a response rate of 57%; however, two of those surveys were eliminated for incompleteness, resulting in a usable response rate of 53% (32/60).
Graduates were queried about their job search; job specifics including employment classification, salary, responsibilities, and employer type information; their preparedness for the job market; and job satisfaction. All respondents were queried about their first Library and Information Science (LIS) related positions post-graduation. The focus of this survey is to understand graduates' experiences in finding employment after graduation, however the time lag of 18-24 months between survey administration and graduation provides an additional opportunity to consider additional employment data \ from those respondents who have moved on ton subsequent employment opportunities. Where it is included, data referring to subsequent positions is clearly identified.