
SLIS faculty, sessionals, students and colleagues more broadly contribute to a dynamic research environment. Please enjoy an inspiring message from our Faculty of Education's Associate Dean Research, Dr. Denise Larsen.

The 2016 Canadian Association of University Teachers' Policy On Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities affirms research, scholarship and creative activities can be "in the form of written publication, Indigenous oral practices, participation in conferences and scholarly and professional meetings, development of library and archival collections and services, production or performance of creative and artistic works, service on editorial boards, and other contributions to an academic discipline including the scholarship of teaching and professional practice." SLIS embraces the value of diverse and non-traditional approaches and methodologies in research, scholarship and creative activity.

We place a high value on research performed by our faculty and students. Our research interests are highly diverse and continually evolving in order to keep up with new developments in the field. Current research interests include: critical approaches in LIS; digital libraries; expressive freedom; human computer interaction; human information interaction; information ethics, retrieval, and sharing; interactive information retrieval; knowledge management; learning and data analytics; online communities; open education practices and resources; open source software; platforms, publishing, media, and LIS; rural broadband; social informatics; telecommunications policy; and web archiving.