Graduate Exit Survey 2018-2019
A record number of 82 MLIS students graduated in the two academic convocations fall 2018 and spring 2019; in the previous three academic years, total graduates numbered 61, 70 and 54. Students graduating in 2018-2019 were enrolled in either of the two teaching and learning program streams offered by the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta, on-campus and online. This is the fourth graduating cohort in the online learning stream, which has been available since September 2013.
Practicum Supervisor Survey 2017-2019
Following the inaugural web-enabled survey of professional practitioner colleagues who supervised or co-supervised University of Alberta MLIS students enrolled in LIS 590 Practicum during the 3-year period 2015-2017, the School of Library and Information Studies followed up with a second survey of Practicum supervisors over the ensuing 3-year period 2017-2019. The specific assessment goal in both surveys was to elicit feedback on supervisors' and co-supervisors' experiences, perspectives, and suggestions. This ongoing series is part of the School's ongoing self-assessment program that includes the Practicum as an important component of community engagement with our colleagues in professional practice.