Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation
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AG (Gil) Gilmet Award
To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the fourth year of studies in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Recipient will be the student who best combines academic standing with an ongoing record of voluntary community service. Current qualification as a Red Cross instructor in water safety, small craft safety, or first aid, as well as financial need may be taken into account.
Endowed by friends of Gil Gilmet
Dorothy Harris Dance Award
To be awarded annually to an undergraduate student who has shown an interest in and contributed to dance choreography or performance at the University of Alberta on the basis of satisfactory academic standing, minimum GPA 3.0.
Endowed by the alumni of the Orchesis Dance Club at the University of Alberta and other individuals interested in dance in honor of Dorothy Harris for her contribution to Orchesis and the field of dance.
Easton Family Scholarship
To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement entering the third or fourth year in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation focusing on adapted physical education. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing.
Endowed by the Easton Family
Edmonton Sportsman's Fund Scholarship
Awarded annually on the basis of superior academic achievement, indicated financial need, and participation in high school athletics to an Edmonton high school graduate entering the first year of an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta. The recipient will be selected on the basis of their admission average.
Endowed by The Edmonton Sportsman's Fund Inc
Janie Larsen Memorial Award
Awarded to a student with a GPA of 2.7 or greater in any year of a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated involvement with the Physical Education and Recreation Council of Students (PERCS) or a professional associations/community organization in the field of recreation and leisure studies.
Endowed by the Larsen family and the Physical Education Council of Students (PERCS),.
Jennye Clearwater Scholarship in Recreation and Leisure Studies
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the final year of the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism degree. Selection based on academic standing.
Endowed by friends and colleagues of Mrs Jennye Clearwater in honor of her many contributions as a former staff member of the Department of Recreation Administration.
ML Van Vliet Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the fourth year in the field of physical education or recreation in the Bachelor of Kinesiology or the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism degree. Selection based on academic standing.
Endowed by friends and former University athletes in honor of Dr ML Van Vliet, Professor Emeritus, former Dean of the Faculty, and architect of the present Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation.
Margie Mitchell Memorial Award
Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the second, third, or fourth year of the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism degree. Selection based on contribution to and involvement with the Physical Education Council of Students (PERCS), Recreation students in general, contribution to and involvement in professional and community organizations and associations in the general field of recreation and leisure services, and academic standing
Endowed by the Physical Education Council of Students (PERCS) and private donors.
Marokus Scholarship in Physical Education
To be awarded annually on the basis of high academic standing combined with gymnastics ability to a student registered in the Bachelor of Kinesiology program.
Endowed by Dr Roy Marokus in appreciation of the instruction offered by the Department of Physical Education to his daughters, Brooke Harmon Marokus, and Kristin Cameron Marokus.
Martin M Gill Memorial Award
Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the second, third, or fourth year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection will be based on participation in athletic activities through Campus Recreation and/or Intramural Athletics, and academic standing.
Endowed by his mother, Connie M Langille and family in memory of Martin M Gill who died August 17, 1986 at the age of 23. Martin was an accomplished athlete and commercial pilot who became a quadriplegic in a diving accident. Although paralyzed from the neck down, he completed the final 2 years of his BCom with Honours.
Michael Cameron Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Kinesiology. Selection based on interest in athletic therapy and academic standing.
Endowed by family, friends and associates of the South East Edmonton Recreation Association, in memory of Michael Cameron, a student planning to enter the BPE degree to study Athletic Therapy, who lost his life in a tragic hockey accident in 1989.
Reg Rault Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Kinesiology or the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism. Selection based on the student who best combines a high level of competence in outdoor education with academic ability, and academic standing. Consideration will also be given to the student's financial need.
Endowed by Mrs Ethel Rault and family in memory of Mr Reg Rault, winner of the 1939 Northern Alberta Cross Country Ski Championship, founder of the Edmonton Journal Learn-to-Ski program, and recipient of a City of Edmonton Recreation Citation.
Alan F Affleck Award in Recreation and Leisure Studies
To be awarded annually a student with satisfactory academic standing of at least 2.7 in the final two years of study who is convocating from the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Administration or the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism in the Spring. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing and demonstrated involvement with the Recreation Students Society and the community within the recreation field at the University of Alberta. The recipient must have been in full-time attendance in the final year of the program to be eligible for this award.
Endowed by the Recreation Students Society and other donors, in the recognition of Alan F Affleck.
Anniversary Scholarship in Recreation
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in any year in the Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism degree. Selection based on contributions to and involvement with the Physical Education Council of Students (PERCS), Recreation students in general, academic life at the University of Alberta, professional and community organizations and associations in the general field of recreation and leisure studies, and academic standing.
Endowed by the Physical Education Council of Students (PERCS) of the University of Alberta and the Organizing Committee of the Tenth Canadian Congree on Leisure Research held at the University of Alberta in May 2002
Dr Erwin and Gerda Bako Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the fourth year of a Bachelor of Kinesiology, Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology degree. Selection based on an interest and involvement in the area of fitness, health and lifestyle improvement, and academic standing. Preference given to mature students.
Endowed by Friends of the Bako Family
Margaret Ellis Undergraduate Scholarship
Awarded to students with superior academic achievement entering the second, third, or fourth year in the BKin or BKin/BEd degree. Selection based on students who have contributed to the enrichment of children's lives through involvement in physical activity and sports programs, and academic standing.
Endowed by Dr Margaret Ellis and Friends of the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
Ruby Anderson Undergraduate Award
Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering any year of the BKin/BEd combined degree or the BKin degree. Selection based on the potential to contribute to the improvement of physical education teaching and coaching, personal qualities such as patience, understanding, dedication, service to others, a quiet ongoing support of professional and community initiatives, and academic standing. This award may go to a full-time or part-time student.
Endowed by colleagues and friends of Professor Emeritus Ruby Anderson in recognition of her contributions to physical education.
RG Glassford Scholarship for Excellence in Physical Education and Recreation
To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement entering the third year of studies in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing and demonstrated leadership skills in student governance, athletics or campus recreation.
Endowed by Dr Gerry Glassford.
Kathlene Yetman Memorial Award
Awarded to a student with a GPA of 3.0 or greater entering the second, third or fourth year of the BScKin, BKin or BKin/BEd degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on the student who best combines academic achievement, intellectual curiosity and involvement in activities that facilitate and encourage the development of the potential in others - particularly children and young adults, an energetic zest for life, strong leadership qualities, and academic standing.
Endowed by family, friends and associates in memory of Kathlene Yetman, a dynamic, outstanding and gifted student in the BPE program who died in a car accident in February 1996.
Dean's Entrance Citation in Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Renewable
Awarded to students entering an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta from high school on the basis of Admission average (~95% or above). Receipt of funding for the second, third, and fourth years is contingent upon achieving a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a minimum 24 credits over the most recent September to April period in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation each year.
Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, University of Alberta
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Scholarships for Academic Excellence
To be awarded annually to students with superior academic achievement in a Faculty of Kinesiology, Sports and Recreation degree program. One scholarship will be awarded to a student entering second year, one to a student entering third year and one to a student entering fourth year. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic standing.
Annually funded by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Dr Elsie McFarland Leadership Award
To be awarded annually to an Alberta resident with satisfactory academic standing (minimum grade point average of at least 3.0) registered in the second, third, or fourth year of an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, specializing in Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism. Recipient will be selected on the basis of demonstrated leadership in the field of recreation on and off campus and academic standing combined with leadership involvement. Interest and commitment will be evidenced through volunteer or work involvement in recreation.
Endowed by members of the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association and by alumni in memory of Elsie McFarland, in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the field of Recreation
Jack Monaghan Family Community Leadership Award
To be awarded annually to an Alberta resident with satisfactory academic standing entering the second, third or fourth year of a degree program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sports and Recreation. Recipient will be selected on the basis of leadership qualities as demonstrated by involvement in extracurricular and community activities and academic standing. Preference will be given to students in financial need.
Endowed by family and friends in memory of Jack Monaghan
Royle Harris Play Around the World Award
To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing who has been selected as a participant in the Play Around the World Program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing and a demonstrated effort in working effectively with individuals and groups in adapted physical activity settings, working collaboratively and effectively within a team initiative, and showing compassion, respect for diversity, and dedication to adapted physical education and therapeutic recreation.
Endowed by Royle Harris, a former Senate member of the University of Alberta, to encourage students in Physical Education to become part of the Play Around the World program which brings the gift of play and physical activity to abandoned children and children with a disability.
E. Barry Mitchelson Leadership Scholarship
To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement entering the third or fourth year of studies in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing and demonstrated leadership in the general field of physical education and recreation, student life and governance, and/or athletics.
Endowed by Dr E. Barry Mitchelson and solicited by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association.
Colin Cooper Award
Awarded to an undergraduate student with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in the second, third, or fourth year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated participation in extracurricular activities, strong commitment to volunteerism, and/or the ability to overcome extraordinary adversity in achieving academic goals.
Endowed by friends, family, and supporters of Colin Cooper
Helen M Eckert Lifespan Development Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in the fourth year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated interest in studying changes in human physical structure, performance, and capabilities during the lifespan.
Endowed by Helen M Eckert
Edmonton 2001 World Championships in Athletics Sport Performance Entrance Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in the first year of the Bachelor of Physical Education degree program or the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology degree program. Selection based on admission average and demonstrated interest and involvement in the area of enhancement of sport performance. Preference given to applicants with an interest in nutrition and ergogenic aids.
Endowed by the Organizing Committee of the First International Scientific Conference on Nutrition and Athletic Performance held in conjunction with the Edmonton 2001 World Championships in Athletics.
Edmonton 2001 World Championships in Athletics Sport Performance Undergraduate Scholarship
Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in the second, third or fourth year of a Bachelor of Kinesiology or a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated interest and involvement in the area of enhancement of sport performance. Preference given to applicants with an interest in nutrition and ergo genetic aids.
Endowed by the Organizing Committee of the First International Scientific Conference on Nutrition and Athletic Performance held in conjunction with the Edmonton 2001 World Championships in Athletics.
Sarah and Martin Gouin Family Scholarship in Physical Education
Awarded to a students with superior academic achievement enrolled in the third or fourth year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on academic standing. Preference given to students with indicated financial need.
Funded through the Edmonton Community Foundation on behalf of the Sarah and Martin Gouin Family
Physical Education and Recreation Alumni Association Award
Awarded to students with a GPA of 3.0 or above enrolled in the second, third, or fourth year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on commitment to community and leadership in the student's field of study as demonstrated through volunteer or work activities related to the student's academic pursuits.
Endowed by the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation Alumni.
Darwin and Betty Park Sustainability Award
Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing in any year in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation who has demonstrated academic, volunteer and/or professional involvement in activities that support practices of environmental sustainability. Selection based on demonstrated commitment to, study of, and leadership in promoting and/or exploring the positive role that physical education and recreation can play in sustainable development of the environment.
Endowed by Darwin and Betty Park
Dr. Art Quinney Scholarship
Awarded to student(s) with superior academic achievement entering first year of the full-time Bachelor of Science in the Kinesiology program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on Admission average combined with demonstrated interest, involvement, and leadership in the areas of physical activity and sport with preference given to applicants exhibiting the potential to be leaders, strong communicators, and who demonstrate critical thinking skills and ethical behaviour.
Endowed by Dr. Art Quinney, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation 1991-2000
25th Anniversary of the Practicum Program Legacy Award
Awarded to full-time students entering the fourth year in a BARST, BKin, or BScKin in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation who are enrolled in or have completed the Professional Practicum Program (full or part time) with a Faculty-approved practicum placement domestically or internationally. Selection based on demonstrated commitment to the field of practice and indicated financial need.
Participants of the 25th Anniversary of the Practicum Program Trade Show
Joyce Cutts & Eunice Mattson Memorial Award
Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering any year of the BKin/BEd combined degree program or the BKin degree program. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated potential to contribute to the improvement of physical education teaching and coaching. Preference given to students with financial need.
Endowed by Joyce Mattson Cutts
June Hole Physical Education and Recreation Award
Awarded to student(s) with satisfactory academic standing entering or transferring into an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on academic standing. Preference given to student(s) who completed high school a minimum of 5 years from the time of application.
Endowed by JD Hole
Kinesiology and Recreation Golden Anniversary International Travel Scholarship
Awarded to students with superior academic achievement enrolled in any year of an undergraduate or graduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation who are participating in faculty approved travel for research or study abroad. Selection based on academic standing, and demonstrated expected benefit of the research or study abroad opportunity.
Endowed by supporters of Physical Education and Recreation in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the faculty and the opening of the Physical Activity and Wellness Centre
University of Alberta Gold Standard Scholarship
Awarded to students with superior academic achievement entering the first year of an undergraduate degree at the University of Alberta. Selection based on admission average. This scholarship is based on your current admission offer and any changes to which faculty you are admitted could affect your eligibility for this scholarship.
Annually funded by the University of Alberta
Wanda Wetterberg Leadership Award in Leisure Studies
Awarded to students with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in any year of a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated impact in attending the upcoming Alberta Recreation and Parks Association conference.
Endowed by the Estate of Wanda Wetterberg
University of Alberta Gold Standard Scholarship
Awarded to students with superior academic achievement entering the first year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta. Selection based on admission average. This scholarship is based on your current admission offer and any changes to which faculty you are admitted could affect your eligibility for this scholarship.
Annually funded by the University of Alberta
University of Alberta Gold Standard Scholarship
Awarded to students with superior academic achievement entering the first year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta. Selection based on admission average. This scholarship is based on your current admission offer and any changes to which faculty you are admitted could affect your eligibility for this scholarship.
Annually funded by the University of Alberta
Larry Mather Coaching Award
Awarded to students with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in any year of a Bachelor of Kinesiology majoring in Sport Performance. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated leadership in coaching.
Endowed by Dr Bill Peck in honour of Larry Mather
Heart & Stroke Foundation Students' Association Award in Health Sciences
Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in the third or fourth year of an undergraduate degree in Nutrition, Dietetics, Nursing, Pharmacy, Kinesiology, Medical Laboratory Science, Radiation Therapy, Medicine or Dentistry. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated leadership, community involvement, innovation and/or research in the area of health. Preference is given to a student underrepresented in their field of study.
Annually funded by Heart & Stroke Foundation Students' Association
University of Alberta Alumni Medal in Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Offered to the outstanding convocating student in Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, provided that the student has been registered in a full year's program and has obtained an average of at least 3.3 in the final year.
The Alumni Association of the University of Alberta
Dean's Transfer Citation in Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Renewable
Awarded to postsecondary students transferring into an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta based on Admission average (~95% or above) and on coursework completed at the postsecondary level. Renewal of funding is contingent upon achieving a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a minimum 24 credits over the most recent September to April period in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation each year.
Annually funded by the Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, University of Alberta
Roger S Smith Undergraduate Student Research Award in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, & Recreation
Awarded to students in satisfactory academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher entering the second, third or fourth year of undergraduate study in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, & Recreation. This award is intended to cultivate and support research partnerships between undergraduate students and faculty members in SSHRC fundable disciplines. The funding will provide for 15 weeks of research-based activity from May to August. Students must not have completed degree requirements prior to the commencement of the research term.
Annually funded equally by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, & Recreation and the Office of the Vice President (Research)
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Award for International Students - Renewable
Awarded to students(s) on Study Permit(s) with satisfactory academic standing registered in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta. Selection based on academic standing. Preference given to student(s) who have demonstrated leadership via extracurricular and community involvement. Renewal of funding for subsequent years is contingent upon achieving a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a minimum of 24 credit units of course weight per year in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation.
Annually funded by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation International Student-Athlete Award
Awarded to Golden Bears and/or Pandas student-athlete(s) on Study Permit(s) with satisfactory academic standing registered in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta. Selection based on demonstrated athletic excellence.
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Ken Holt Memorial Undergraduate Award
Awarded to a student with a GPA of 3.0 or greater enrolled in the second or subsequent years of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Selection based on academic standing and demonstrated involvement in youth sport.
Annually funded by Dr Nicholas Holt