Convocation Procedures for Graduands
Plan to arrive 30 minutes before your ceremony dressed in your academic apparel, which includes a gown, hood, and mortarboard. Please see the images below for a representation of the appropriate way to wear your apparel.

The graduate above is wearing convocation apparel, including the mortarboard (which is the graduation cap), the hood (which loops over the shoulders with a colourful silk sash), and the gown (which is the full black garment worn over clothes).
The auditorium doors will open approximately 30 minutes before the ceremony.
Please bring your name card with you. It has your seat number and name on it and will be your ticket for the ceremony. Ushers will be present to assist you in finding your seat.
Leave all personal belongings with a guest or at the coat check. It’s possible you may not end up back at your original seat once you have crossed the stage.
You must be seated before the academic procession enters the auditorium. Once they begin to enter, you will not be seated until the procession is on stage.
National Anthem / Welcome
The ceremony will begin with the singing of the national anthem. You are encouraged to rise and join in the singing.
After the welcoming remarks and the conferring of an honorary degree, it will soon be your turn to walk the stage.
Conferring of Degrees
Stand and follow along in the program as you are presented to the Chancellor and President.
The President will administer “The Pledge” to all graduates. At the end of the pledge, reply in unison: “These things I pledge myself to do.”
The Chancellor will then admit you to your degrees. The graduates seated in the first three rows of the left centre section will follow the marshal to the stage; all other graduates should be seated. A marshal will direct the remaining graduates when it is their turn to rise and follow the graduates ahead of them to the stage. A marshal will aid graduates using wheelchairs or needing assistance to get on and off the stage.
Carry your name card on stage so the announcer can use it to present your name.
- Masters and Bachelors Graduates: Wear your hood and mortarboard onto the stage. Give your name card to the announcer. As your name is announced, step forward to be congratulated by the Dean at centre stage. Turn and step forward to be congratulated by the Chancellor, representative of the Board of Governors, and President (seated in the chairs at centre stage). Continue across the front of the stage to the flags to have your picture taken, then down the stairs. A marshal will direct you back to your seat.
- Doctoral Students: Drape your hood over your right arm. Mortarboards should not be worn until after you have crossed the stage. Give your name card to the announcer. As your name is announced, step forward and give your hood to the Dean at centre stage. The Dean will drape the hood over your head and onto your shoulders. Once you have been hooded, step forward to be congratulated by the Chancellor, representative of the Board of Governors, and President (seated in the chairs at centre stage). Continue across the front of the stage to where the flags are to have your picture taken, then down the stairs. A marshal will direct you back to your seat.
Concluding Remarks
Following the concluding remarks, remain in your place while the platform party exits the auditorium. Proceed row by row, beginning with the first row, up the aisles and out of the auditorium. Marshals will assist in directing graduates out of the auditorium. Once you exit, please move well into the lobby so as not to block the exits.
Congratulations Graduates!