Scandinavian Studies

A student in Scandinavian studies gets a broad overview of Scandinavian language, literature, and culture from the Viking Age to the present day. The University of Alberta has the only BA-granting program in Canada, and one of the few in North America. We offer a variety of courses on interesting topics, from Norse mythology to the Scandinavian crime novel. These courses are interesting, unique, and we are passionate about what we teach. Studying Scandinavian doesn't prepare you for a single career, but rather gives you the communication and critical thinking skills valued by any employer, as well as a unique global perspective and a demonstrated openness to other cultures and worldviews. These courses aim to provide students with a thorough knowledge of the language, the culture and literature of the Scandinavian countries in the context of a liberal arts education.
The success of our program and its courses can be seen in the rate of continuation among students from other disciplines; many of whom took one Scandinavian course "for fun" and continued to take more in the area, or even declare a major or minor in Scandinavian.
General Undergraduate questions can be directed to or Dr. John Eason III, (Academic Advisor).
The most current Course Listing is available in Bear Tracks. Need help? Visit for more information.
Program Requirements
Please access the University of Alberta Calendar for information on the requirements related to Majors, Minors or Combined Honors.