Financial Assistance

Incoming Med Student Financial Talk

The 2024 financial education talk for incoming med students can be viewed below:

Click here for the slides from the presentation.

This talk was given on June 25th, 2024.

OAW Emergency Loans

Learners in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry in desperate financial need - who have exhausted all other sources of funding - may apply to the associate dean of Advocacy & Wellbeing for a small, one-time emergency loan (less than $5,000). The number of loans is limited and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

OAW Emergency Bursaries

The emergency bursaries are intended to provide financial aid to those medical learners displaying the greatest need in meeting essential living expenses. These include rent, food, utilities and medication. The money from this bursary is not intended for payment of debts to the University of Alberta exclusively (ie. tuition, books, fines, parking tickets).

Each learner is eligible for one award per year. Applicants are required to:

  • Meet with the associate dean of Advocacy & Wellbeing, of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, to justify their application.
Other resources:

Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards

Financial FAQ

Do I need to report my scholarship/bursary funding? What is the impact on my loans?
  • Alberta Loans: If you know the amount of scholarship/bursary funding that you are receiving for the academic year at the time of government student loan application, please report the amount. The assessment for the federal portion of your loan funding may be impacted (i.e. the funds will be included in the assessment) for any amounts greater than $1,800 (their exemptible amount)
  • Out-of-province Loans: Report receipt of all funding; please check with your province as this funding may have an impact of subsequent loan disbursement amounts
Can I apply for Alberta government student loans if I am coming from outside of the province?
  • Several years ago, out-of-province students who had completed their undergraduate degree in Alberta had an option to apply for Alberta loans for their MD degree; however, this is no longer the case
  • Out-of-province students (see Provincial Residency) can apply for Alberta loans if 1) you have lived in Alberta for the last 12 months without being a full-time student, OR 2) your legal partner has lived in Alberta for the last 12 months without being a full-time student; if these requirements are not met, you will need to apply for loans through the province in which you hold residency
Are loans interest-free during post-graduate medical education (residency)?
  • Alberta Loans: Your Alberta loan portion will remain interest-free, payment-free during PGME as long as a Form B is completed each year; your federal loan portion will remain interest-free always but payments will be required 6 months after you have stopped being a full-time student (note: PGME does not count as being a student)
  • Out-of-province Loans: Please check with your province regarding repayment of their provincial loan portion; your federal loan portion will remain interest-free always but payments will be required 6 months after you have stopped being a full-time student (note: PGME does not count as being a student)