University Hospital Foundation Medical Research Competition (UHFMRC)

About the UHFMRC
This competition provides one-year research operating grants for up to $35,000 to fund innovative, translational research for clinician scientists in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Although applications in all areas of biomedical, clinical, health services and outcomes research are acceptable, a clear linkage to clinical problems in adults is required. In accordance with availability of funds for specific research areas, 65% of the funding is restricted to Alzheimer’s disease, cardiac sciences, hematology, immunology, respiratory sciences, oncology and diabetes. Diabetes and oncology each comprise approximately 20% each out of the 65% of the total restricted funds; with 25% for the remaining restricted areas and the final 35% unrestricted.
- The University Hospital Foundation encourages applications from new investigators (those within five years of their first academic appointment). It is expected that project funding will form the basis for subsequent and simultaneous applications for peer-reviewed external funding (e.g. CIHR). Projects currently funded by another source will be given lower priority.
- Established investigators may apply but are especially encouraged to participate in projects as co-investigator(s)/collaborator(s) with new investigators.
- Either the principal investigator or the co-PI are required to hold a primary appointment with Alberta Health Services at the University of Alberta Hospital, Mazankowski Alberta Health Institute, or the Kaye Edmonton Clinic AND a faculty appointment with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Previous Awardees
- 2021 Funded Projects (success rate: 40%; 17 funded of 42 submitted)
- 2019 Funded Projects (success rate: 21%; 9 funded of 43 submitted)
- 2018 Funded Projects (success rate: 27%; 14 funded of 51 submitted)
- 2017 Funded Projects (success rate: 25%; 13 funded of 52 submitted)
- 2016 Funded Projects (success rate: 30%; 14 funded of 47 submitted)
- 2015 Funded Projects (success rate: 37%; 19 funded of 51 submitted)
Grant Review Committee
This year there will be two subcommittees in addition to the main UHFMRC Review Committee. Members of the diabetes review subcommittee are approved by the Alberta Diabetes Institute director and members of the oncology specific subcommittee are approved by the Cancer Research Institute of Northern Alberta director.