New AI research chair developing ‘21st-century stethoscope’ to make diagnosing injury and illness faster and easier
Title: New AI research chair developing ‘21st-century stethoscope’ to make diagnosing injury and illness faster and easier
Author: Michael Brown
Keywords: Jacob Jaremko,, artificial intelligence, Amii, ultrasound, CIFAR AI Chairs, WCHRI, Neil Burch, Marlos Machado, Michael Bowling
Teaser: Jacob Jaremko, who combines expertise in medicine and machine learning, is among three U of A researchers named CIFAR AI Chairs at Amii.
Link: site://folio/2021/06/new-ai-research-chair-developing-21st-century-stethoscope-to-make-diagnosing-injury-and-illness-faster-and-easier
Release: June 09, 2021