Student Employment and Award Payments

Graduate assistantships (GA) are the appointment of a graduate student as a graduate research assistant (GRA), a graduate teaching assistant (GTA), or to a graduate research assistantship fellowship (GRAF). 

  • Fall and winter Term GA's are arranged in the spring.
  • Spring and summer term GA's are arranged in the winter.
  • GA appointment letters are sent to students in June.
  • Students who accept their GA agree to be employed by the University of Alberta and thereby agree to the terms and conditions of the Graduate Student Assistantship Collective Agreement.
    • This is a binding contract between the Board of Governors and the Graduate Student's Association.

GA's include faculty operation funded appointments (GRA, GTA, GRAF) and trust (grant)- funded appointments (GRA, GRAF). They can be sourced from each one or a combination of both. Students need to check their Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation admission and funding offer letter (received prior to the start of program) for their funding commitment.

Faculty GA Regulations

Graduate assistantship appointment regulations, award and minimum salary rates, and payroll deadlines are available in the Graduate Students' Association Collective Agreement, and Human Resource Services Student Employment.

GA appointments are processed and paid by the Graduate Programs Office. Questions regarding your student employment can be directed to Elisha Krochak, Graduate Programs administrator.

Students are to note and complete the following in order to receive payments:

  • First payday (for appointments effective fall)  is in the first pay period in September.
  • Semi-monthly payments resume as per schedule after the first payday.

View Pay Schedules

Social Insurance Number (SIN) and Study Permits (International Students)

A SIN is required to issue GA payments. Students need to send a photocopy of their card/letter directly to the Graduate Programs administrator; email a scanned copy, or provide a hard copy in person or by mail.

  • Returning U of A students who have held prior employment don't need to re-submit their SIN.
  • International Students need to provide a copy of their study permit and SIN.

Apply for a SIN

Direct Deposit Account Set Up (mandatory)

Set up in Bear Tracks under the Employee tab. For new students, the Employee tab will appear late August or early September after SIN and study permit (international students only) have been received.

  • Update your personal information once you move to Edmonton: address, phone, etc.
  • Returning U of A students, update direct deposit information if necessary
  • Accounts require updating after one or two months of no activity.

Bear Tracks



  • Register full time by Sept. 7 to receive payments.
  • This deadline is to receive payments and is not the university's registration deadline.

Registration Information

Award and Scholarship Payments

Certain internal and external awards and scholarships are processed and paid by the Graduate Programs Office. These include, but are not limited to the following:

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Graduate Studentship

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions (AIHS) Graduate Studentship recipients are to submit the following award payment details to the Graduate Programs administrator to initiate payment through the university:

  • A copy of the Award Terms and Conditions
  • A copy of the Notification of Award from external granting agency
  • New Project Activation Notification sent by the Research Services Office, University of Alberta
    • typically sent to the student's supervisor listed as the Principal Investigator
  • AIHS Graduate Studentship Research Allowance: students are to submit expense claims to the faculty's finance office
    • Check AIHS's award regulations for their terms of allowable expenses
  • Renewals: students are to submit the Notification of Award for each period of support
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Award

CIHR Doctoral Research Award recipients need to submit the following award payment details to the Graduate Programs Administrator to initiate payment through the university:

  • A copy of the Notice of Award from external granting agency
  • New Project Activation Notification sent by the Research Services Office, University of Alberta
    • typically sent to the student's supervisor listed as the Principal Investigator
  • CIHR Research Allowance: students need to submit expense claims to the faculty's finance office
    • Check CIHR's award regulations for their terms of allowable expenses
  • Renewals will automatically be processed by the Graduate Programs Administrator
    • Students need to submit a copy of their Notice of Award to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) in order to receive the President's Doctoral Prize of Distinction for each year of their award.

Vanier CHIR and Canada Graduate Scholarship - master's (CGSM) recipients receive payment through the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.

Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Travel Grant

The Graduate Program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation offers a number of Graduate Travel Grants to students travelling to national or international peer-reviewed conferences to present research pertaining to their thesis.

After Travel Grant is Approved

  • Students pay for their own expenses.
  • Upon return they need to complete a travel expense claim form in PeopleSoft.
  • They need to keep their original boarding passes and/or tickets, and original itemized receipts for the claim submission.
  • Students can't submit their claim and receipts to the accounting office (Dean's office) or to Travel Services (Supply Management Services).

How to Submit a PER Claim

Sign in to PeopleSoft Financials — Financials and eTRAC with your CCID and password (follow guidelines).

  • Under Travel & Expenses, choose Create Expense Report.
  • Enter ID.
  • Choose Travel Expenses.
  • Select the items that you are claiming - click OK.
  • Description: (type in capital letters) place/date traveled.
    • e.g. TORONTO, AB OCT 2013
  • Business Purpose: choose Conference, etc.
  • Accounting Defaults: enter speed code ADG01 (zero not 'O'), click OK.
  • Details: enter conference name, dates of conference, and place traveled.
  • Enter poster/oral presentation.
  • Enter expenses.
    • Ensure GST is exact as printed on the invoice.
    • Under details type flight carrier, departure and arrival locations, and return trip
      • e.g. Air Canada, Westjet, Toronto to Edmonton return
  • If your expenses are over $500, claim $500 ONLY; even if your receipts total more than $500.
  • Update totals, click Save.
  • Print Detailed Report: in landscape View.
  • Check for errors.
  • Click Submit.
  • Click OK.

Attach the printed Detailed Report travel claim with the official receipts, travel ticket/boarding passes and give directly to Elisha Krochak, Graduate Programs coordinator (3-134, University Hall, Van Vliet Complex).

These funds will be deposited into your bank account if approved by the associate dean (Graduate Programs). Ensure your direct deposit information is updated in Bear Tracks.