Awards and Scholarships

Many awards and scholarships are available to graduate students offered internally by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (KSR). Awards are also available outside the faculty from the University of Alberta and the provincial and federal governments.

Students with a GPA of 3.5 or better are strongly encouraged to apply for all scholarships and awards for which they are eligible. Evidence of having pursued external funding (scholarships, grants, etc.) is taken into consideration by the faculty in the allocation of graduate assistantships.

Many award opportunities coincide with the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR), you must read through KSR's application processes and visit the FGSR Awards and Funding to apply for the scholarship opportunities available to you.

KSR Graduate Awards

The following awards are administered by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Graduate Programs Office.

Application deadlines and procedures vary.

Dr. Art Quinney Graduate Scholarship

Endowed by Dr. Art Quinney, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation University of Alberta, from 1991 - 2000.

Value: $2,000

Eligibility: Awarded annually to a student entering a full-time doctoral program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation whose research is in the area of exercise physiology or biochemistry. Awarded on the basis of academic qualifications, letters of reference and research potential.

Application: No application is necessary. Eligible students will be considered automatically by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Additional information is available from the Graduate Program Office.

Graduate (Doctoral) Tuition Award

The Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation offers a tuition award to newly admitted doctoral students. This supplement is in addition to graduate assistantship funding and minor scholarships, provided the student does not have any other funding that specifically pays for tuition costs.

Budget permitting, doctoral students are eligible for a renewal of this tuition award during the second year of their program. As the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation cannot guarantee this funding, students must plan for a full tuition assessment for the second and subsequent years of their program.


  • $2,000.00 per annum Canadian/permanent residents
  • $4,000.00 per annum International (study permit) students

Eligibility: Offered admission to a doctoral program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation and registered full-time (minimum of nine credits per fall/winter terms, and six credits per spring/summer terms).

Application: No application is necessary.; Eligible students will be considered automatically and will be notified by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation.

KSR Travel Awards

Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Graduate Travel Grant

The Graduate Program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation offers a number of Graduate Travel Grants to students traveling to national or international peer-reviewed conferences to present research pertaining to their thesis.

Value: $500.00 (maximum)

Eligibility: The conference presentation must be part of the applicant's current research. Research completed as part of a previous degree or at another university will not be considered under this funding program. There are no restrictions on citizenship.

Masters: Must have completed at least three courses prior to the conference; maximum of one grant.

Doctoral: Must be registered full time; maximum of two grants.

Apply: Submit a copy of the confirmation of acceptance paper/poster/other presentation and completed application form to the Graduate Programs Administrator (email or hard copy is acceptable). Applications will be reviewed by the Associate Dean, Graduate Programs. Priority will be given to students who have not previously received a Graduate Travel Grant from the faculty.

Deadline: Students may apply up to six months prior to the conference or up to one month after the conference. Students are eligible for funding to present their thesis work up to four months after their completion of the program.

Robert Kassian Travel Award

The Rob Kassian Memorial Travel Award is offered in memory of former graduate student, Rob Kassian. Family and friends of Rob have provided a trust fund for the award to assist a student who is presenting at the World Leisure Congress.

Students who have had a paper accepted for presentation at the World Leisure Congress are invited to apply.

Value: $500*

Eligibility: Awarded biennially to a full-time graduate student registered in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (KSR) at the University of Alberta to assist with travel expenses to attend and present a scholarly paper accepted for the program at the biennial World Congress of Leisure (organized by the World Leisure and Recreation Association). A committee established by the KSR will choose the recipient of this award on the basis of the application.

Apply: Submit the following documentation directly to the Graduate Programs Administrator (email or hard copies are acceptable):

  • unofficial U of A transcript (available via Bear Tracks)
  • letter of support from your supervisor describing your progress
  • an abstract of the paper to be presented
  • notice of acceptance from the Congress
  • describe briefly how the paper is related to your thesis

Deadline: TBD

World Leisure Organization

Value of the award is subject to change.

Other University Travel Funding Opportunities

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) Graduate Travel Awards

The FGSR offers graduate travel awards to financially support graduate students who travel in the interest of disseminating their research results.

FGSR Graduate Travel Awards

Application may be submitted to Graduate Programs Administrator to secure "Name of Department Chair/Supervisor" signature as required on the application.

Graduate Students' Association (GSA) Awards

The GSA offers four types of funding to support graduate students during their degree programs.

GSA's Funding

If your supervisor is unavailable for the GSA's application Departmental Information section, please contact the Graduate Programs Administrator for the "Department Chair/Delegate" information.

FGSR Administered Awards (Department Specific)

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) administers more than 2,000 awards for students registered in graduate departments at the University of Alberta. The following department-specific awards are available to the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation's (KSR) graduate students. KSR is the "Department" when referenced to by FGSR.

Students are nominated to the FGSR by KSR's Graduate Programs Award Selection Committee. Students must be registered in or admitted to one of our graduate degree programs.

Value and Eligibility: Value and eligibility for these awards are subject to change. Consult the FGSR's searchable database titled Department Specific Awards for complete details for each award.

The following four awards are specific to the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation. Students compete among their peers. KSR's Graduate Programs Award Selection Committee selects a recipient to be nominated to the FGSR.

Application Requirements: KSR's Award application form. Information, deadlines and the application form will be emailed to graduate students announcing the competition(s) for each year. Requirements apply to all awards listed below with the exception of the Barbara Joanne Rowsell-Sykes Graduate Award in Physical Education, where additional documents are required.

Barbara Joanne Rowswell-Sykes Graduate Award in Physical Education and Recreation

Application: A complete application package consists of a letter of application by the student describing the student's work, a transcript of the academic record and the names of three references.

Consult the FGSR's searchable database titled Department Specific Awards for complete details for the award.

The following awards are competitive among other U of A graduate departments:

There are two competition rounds:

  1. Students apply and compete amongst their peers within KSR; KSR's Graduate Programs Award Selection Committee selects a candidate to be nominated to the FGSR.
  2. Selected candidate at FGSR competes amongst students in other U of A graduate departments; FGSR's Graduate Scholarship Committee conducts the final selection process and makes the final decision; graduate departments are then notified of the winners/refusals.

Value and Eligibility: Value and eligibility for these awards are subject to change. Consult the FGSR's searchable database for complete details for each award.

Application Requirements: KSR's Award application form and a current CV. Information, deadlines, and the application form will be emailed to graduate students announcing the competition(s) for each year. Requirements apply to all awards listed below with the exception of the BMO Financial Group Graduate Scholarship where two letters of support are required.

BMO Financial Group Graduate Scholarship (two letters of support are required)

Advanced Coach Education Scholarship

Advanced Coach Education Scholarship (ACES)

The Alberta Sport Connection sends an annual call for nominations to the Graduate Programs Office, FPER to communicate the criteria, conduct the selection process and recommend a candidate(s) to the Alberta Sport Connection Education Scholarship.

Value: A maximum of $4,000 is available for the University of Alberta to award to a coach or coaches. The intent of the scholarship is to subsidize tuition fees.

Eligibility: The Alberta Sport Connection Advanced Coach Education Scholarship supports permanent Alberta resident coaches attending an Alberta post-secondary institution studying advanced coaching (graduate student or CSI - Advanced Coaching Diploma).

  • ACES's Application Form (available from the Graduate Programs Office; do not contact ASC directly)
  • Receipt of tuition:
    • An official receipt of Fall Tuition from Financial Services (3rd Floor Administration Building) is required.
    • A statement printed from Bear Tracks will not be accepted for fall term, but will be sufficient for an outline of winter term fees owing.
  • A resume that includes:
    • coaching experience
    • current coaching responsibilities
    • academic achievements
    • registered academic course listing and/or graduate responsibilities for the current academic year
  • Submit all documents to the Graduate Program Office: 3-134 University Hall, Van Vliet Complex. Hard copies or electronic copies are accepted.

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship and Andrew Stewart Prize

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship and Andrew Stewart Prize

The Killam Scholarship and Andrew Stewart Prize are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR). The FGSR assigns a quota of awards to our faculty; our faculty has an internal competition in which students are required to complete an application. The Graduate Programs Award Selection Committee selects nominees based on these quotas. Unsuccessful and recommended applicants will be notified of the internal decision via email. Recommended nominees will receive official notification and payment of the award by the FGSR.

Applicants are assessed according to a combination of internal faculty evaluation and recommendation, academic record, letters of reference, statement of program, applicant's research, potential contributions to research and other technical experience.

Eligibility: Refer to FGSR's website for complete eligibility requirements.

Apply: All documents are to be submitted to the Graduate Programs Office:

  • Killam, Stewart application forms are available on FGSR's website
    • The outline of the Proposed Research is limited to 400 words typed (one additional page allowed for bibliography only). Any application that exceeds 400 words will not be reviewed.
  • Two Letters of Reference:
    • A letter of reference to support the application for the Graduate Awards template is required; one additional page may be appended (available on FGSR's website).
    • Hard copy letters must be in sealed envelopes if delivered by student; sealed envelope not required if hand delivered by professor.
    • Letters may be emailed from referee directly to Graduate Programs Administrator. Scanned or digital signatures are acceptable.
  • Unofficial UofA transcript (can be printed via Bear Tracks); official are not required
  • Copies of transcripts from previous institutions. Official copies of transcripts are not required unless there has been a recent update (e.g., you are entering your first year U of A, and recently graduated; most up-to-date transcript required).


  • TBD:
    • For students to submit completed applications to the Graduate Programs Office
    • For university graduate departments to submit all ranked applications to FGSR

TBA: Results of the Killam (requires approval of the Killam Trust Committee) and Andrew Stewart competitions.

Doctoral Tri-Council Scholarships

In some instances, depending on your registration status, you may apply directly to the agency. Please refer to each agency website for the application and instructions, plus complete details concerning the value, duration and eligibility for each award.

The NSERC and SSHRC scholarship competitions are administered by the FGSR. Successful recipients of an NSERC and SSHRC are paid and renewed (if applicable) by the FGSR.

Recipients of doctoral NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR scholarship are eligible to receive additional top-up funding. Doctoral award-holders should provide the FGSR with a copy of their Notification of Award in order to receive this additional top-up funding. Visit the FGSR's website for details.

FGSR will host information sessions on the application tips and the competition process; see below for dates. Past competition information can be viewed on FGSR's website.

Canadian Institute of Health Research Award

Value and Eligibility: Refer to NSERC's website for complete details.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Value & Eligibility: Refer to NSERC's website for complete details.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Value and Eligibility: Refer to SSHRC's website for complete details.

Canada Graduate Scholarships - Masters (CGS - M)

Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS - Masters)

The Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Program (CGS-M) has a single, harmonized application process for the three federal granting agencies: the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). These three agencies are also referred to as the "Tri-Council".

Our master's students have been successful in competing for national scholarships from all three of Canada's major research agencies: NSER, SSHRC and CIHR.

FGSR hosts information sessions on the application tips and the competition process. Visit their website for upcoming events.

Value and Eligibility: Students must be registered in, have been recently accepted for admission, or have an application for admission under review in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (KSR) to be eligible to apply. Refer to FGSR's website for complete details.

Apply: Submit online application through the Tri-Council's electronic system, Research Portal.

  • Applications will first be reviewed by the FGSR.
  • FGSR will then notify our faculty of eligible candidates.
  • Our faculty provides preliminary evaluation and ranking and sends it back to FGSR.
  • FGSR's Graduate Scholarship Committee selects final winners and notifies students.


  • TBD Application deadline for students on Research Portal (NSERC's website under Canada Graduate Scholarships)
  • TBD: FGSR shares applications with all university graduate departments/faculties to prepare ranked lists.
  • TBD: Deadline for graduate departments to submit ranked lists to FGSR
  • TBD: External posting of results on the Research Portal

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Apply: Submit online application through ResearchNet

Deadline: TBD deadline for submission of application on ResearchNet.

Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation's Deadline: TBD

Provide the following to the Graduate Program Administrator:

    1. A hard copy printout of the student's ResearchNet application
    2. Transcripts
    3. Memo from student's supervisor. The nomination letter should include "Discuss how the supervisor's commitment will be available to support the candidate in furthering their professional and leadership development." As supervisors know their own students the best, this information will assist the associate dean (graduate) with the nomination letter for FGSR.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship