To attract the best and the brightest, the University of Alberta offers over $25 million in scholarships and awards each year. Students make many financial decisions during their university career and careful planning is essential. Learn more about funding opportunities available to you and apply.
TD Bank Financial Group Grant for Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Fund Awards
The TD Bank Financial Group in agreement with the University of Alberta has established an endowment fund to be administered by the Health Sciences Council, University of Alberta. The fund will provide up to three (3) $10,000 awards for 2019-20 to support students and trainees at the masters, doctoral or fellowship level. The awards will be allocated to applicants from the health sciences faculties who have active roles with an interdisciplinary (cross-faculty or multiple health/allied health disciplines) health research team, who will be taking part in a health research project and who describe or demonstrate interest and potential to excel in interdisciplinary health research.
In addition to the awards offered by the Health Sciences Council, the University of Alberta administers a number of scholarship and award programs. For more information, contact the Student Awards Office.
TD Bank Interprofessional Health Education Award
The TD Bank Financial Group, in agreement with the University of Alberta, has established an award to be administered by the Health Sciences Education and Research Commons, University of Alberta, under the direction of the Director. The value of the award is $2,000. This amount is awarded annually to a student currently enrolled in the final year of their pre-licensure or degree-granting program of study from each University of Alberta Health Science Faculty. The successful award recipient must demonstrate commitment to interprofessional health education.