Dean's Research Awards

We are currently accepting applications for the 2024/2025 Dean’s Research Awards (DRA) Program.
Please see the details below outlining the application process and deadlines.
All DRA projects should have an experimental component. Literature reviews are generally discouraged unless you are answering a specific question or addressing a defined challenge and include an appropriate level of analysis.
Students will be required to present their work at the end of the term; details regarding the presentation format will be communicated as they are confirmed but will most likely include creating and presenting a research poster.
About the DRA
The Faculty of Engineering is recognized as one of North America’s top engineering research institutions and has a proud history of research excellence. The DRA program provides engineering undergraduate students the opportunity to engage with this research community and gain valuable research experience while complementing lessons learned in the classroom. Over the course of the project, students will work directly with an engineering faculty member to address real-world research and design challenges. A $750 bursary is given to each student in recognition of their contribution upon successful completion of the program.
Program Eligibility and Requirements
- The DRA program is available to all full-time engineering students, beginning in their second year of studies, who have a minimum GPA of 3.2.
- GPA is calculated using the two most recent full terms of graded coursework.
- Students are responsible for finding an Engineering faculty member who is willing to supervise them. Professor websites are good starting points for project ideas as well as the DRA project database open in a new tab where professors can post prospective DRA projects.
See available DRA Projects open in a new tab - The program requires that students dedicate a total of 40 hours of research work to a research project over the course of the term. The time over which the student may elect to work on a project is flexible - spanning the Fall or Winter term, or stretched over both (i.e., Dual-term)
- The award must be held during a Fall/Winter academic term (i.e. DRA’s projects cannot be conducted during a co-op work term).
- A DRA cannot be awarded to a project in which students are receiving credit.
- Students are required to present the results of their work at the end of the term. Currently, this includes an in-person poster presentation competition in early December or April, depending on when students complete their project.
Application Process
- Submit an online application form. (Note: Students are responsible for the accuracy of the form as per discussions with their supervisor). You are responsible for sending a copy of your online application to your supervisor for review, as per their request.
- Email a pdf copy of your transcripts from Bear Tracks to with the following subject: “DRA Transcripts – [Last Name]."
- Email this link to the online supervisor approval form directly to your supervisor to complete and submit.
Applications will not be considered complete until all items are received.
Deadline for Applications for Fall/Dual Term Projects - September 30, 2024
Fall Term Presentations - December 2024
Deadline for Applications for Winter Term Projects - January 31, 2025
Winter & Dual Term Presentations - April 2025