Media Coverage

English Language Media Coverage 


Thank you to Dr. Xiaobo Zhang, Visiting Professor at the CIUA, for compiling the following information:

Chinese Language Media Coverage

  1. Ambassador Cong’s full speech with Chinese translation:(Some titles of news: “Chinese ambassador to Canada: Canada's role as an accomplice of the US in the Meng Wanzhou incident should be seriously self-questioned on its own action”; Chinese ambassador to Canada: Canada was used by the United States in the Meng Wanzhou incident, which should be seriously self-examined on Its own error”; Chinese ambassador to Canada: Canada was used by the United States as an accomplice in the Meng Wanzhou incident, which should be seriously self-reviewed”;Ambassador Cong Peiwu delivered a speech at the 10th Canada-China Economic Policy Forum Webina";“China-Canada relations are in serious difficulties due to Meng Wanzhou incident”)














  2. Ambassador Barton(some titles of news: “Canadian ambassador to China calls for Canada to work harder on China relations, response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"; “Canada's ambassador to China said the world's focus has shifted to Asia”; Canada's ambassador to China calls on Canada to make greater efforts in its relations with China”)






  3. China-Canada relations(some titles of news: "As for Meng Wanzhou, China shows its determination to the United States and Canada, and the signal is strong": "Chinese ambassador to Canada: Canada should deal with Meng Wanzhou incident as soon as possible, and there are always good people who can make contributions to China-Canada relations during difficult times”; Why release Meng Wanzhou? Our ambassador is determined to point out a clear way for Canada”; "Chinese ambassador to Canada urges Meng Wanzhou to return home safely")

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