Director's Message

I am honoured and delighted to be taking on the leadership of The China Institute at this particular moment in time. There has arguably never been a greater need for deep understanding and enlightened engagement with China than now, and our Institute aims to continue to play a key role in this regard.
I look forward to working with my colleagues, the broader University community, as well as stakeholders and partners across Canada and beyond as we strive to contribute a balanced, informed, and uniquely Canadian perspective in the pursuit of these aims.
Looking forward, TCI will continue to advance its reputation as a provider and facilitator of research - both scholarly and policy-oriented - that is both relevant and impactful, as well as playing its role as a convenor on topics important to Alberta, Canada, and the world.
In order to position our institute for the future, and to continue building on the outstanding work of my predecessors, TCI is currently undertaking an in-depth review of its areas of focus. Please stay tuned over the coming months as we begin to articulate and implement a new strategic plan that identifies key priorities for our work going forward: not only areas in which we believe the institute is best positioned to provide relevant, insightful, and impactful contributions that help Canadians understand and engage with China, but also areas that consider global questions where our voice and our team’s efforts can be accretive to the global commons.
I want to thank Gordon Houlden and Jia Wang for their extraordinary work in building the institute into what it is today, and for their warm welcome and support as I take on this exciting role.
L. Philippe Rheault
The China Institute at the University of Alberta