Events Hub
The Events Hub is a central place on the domain for promoting and searching University of Alberta Events. At its core, it consists of two components. One, a standardized "Event" details template available through the Cascade CMS. Second, a Cascade homepage that utilizes Coveo Search Platform to only present event pages created by using the Event details template in Cascade CMS.
Creating your Unit's events using the Event Detail page template is easy and straightforward. Once created, it will automatically be indexed and, in turn, displayed on the Events hub page. The Events hub refreshes every 2 hours, newly added events will be displayed after a refresh.
- Improved visitor experience through standard presentation of information
- A single destination for users to learn about the wide range of interesting events taking place at the University of Alberta.
- Organic search visibility – we expect the UAlberta Events page to become an authoritative site in local Edmonton site search
- Event meta consistent with Google requirements to increase the likelihood that individual events will display in Google organic search
- Engagement – users come to find one event and find another, inspiring engagement
- Event submissions & permissions – we allow the Admins to decide whether to have a centralized or decentralized model for managing and publishing Events
For access to your Unit's directory within the Events Hub, please submit a Small Work Request.
Please note: To streamline user assignments and provide more flexibility for the Unitto manage their events, administrative rights will only be given to the current Site Administrator. Administrators will have the ability to grant access to users within their Unit to create events and are responsible for managing new and departing user base. Please refer to the below "User Access" and "Events Management" sections for more information.
Architectural Design

Events Hub Page
The Events Hub is the main landing page in Cascade CMS for UAlberta Events. It is powered by Coveo Search Platform and provides search facets to allow visitors to filter event search results. It is configured to ONLY display events that use the Cascade Event Detail page template and whose event end date has not expired yet.
Event Detail Page
This is a standardized event detail page template for Faculties, Departments and business units to create their events.
- Each Unit may have a separate subdirectory for their events, which provides simple maintenance and management of their events.
- Users can only access their assigned folder
- Only accessible to Events Detail template
- Ease of managing permissions
Creating events in the Event Hub
Upon gaining access to your Unit's folder, please follow the below steps to locate the Event detail page template:
- Log onto Cascade CMS with your login credentials
- Locate the "Events" site by searching "Events" in the Site Search Box, located on the top left corner.
- Click on the "events" site, locate and click onto your Unit' sub-folder
- Click "Add Content" on the top of the page
- Select "Events" folder then the "Event" template and the content windows will be displayed
- You can now content populate your event details. Below lists some of tips during content population:
- Please fill in applicable fields in the "Content" section and complete all mandatory fields.
- Department Affiliation is one of the mandatory fields and it is a list of all defined rolled-up units in Peoplesoft and they are used to define the list under the "Department" facet on the Events Hub page. For a list of Peoplesoft rolled-up units, please refer to here. Please select your unit's affiliated rolled-up unit.
- In the "Meta-Data" section, please insert an End Date for Event Detail page. This will unpublish the page on your defined End Date. Please note that this will only "Unpublish '' the page and it will still exist in your Unit's event folder. We strongly recommend a permanent manual deletion of your expired Event Detail pages one week after the event occurred. This will ensure your Unit's event folder is up to date and remove out-dated events. (Old events that have not been unpublished and are a week past their occurrence date are subject to deletion )
- Save and then publish your event details page
- The Events Hub page refreshes and fetches event detail pages every 2 hours. Your newly created event details page will be displayed after a refresh.
Users Access
A Unit Event Cascade Users group will be created for each Unit that will be contributing their events to the Events Hub page. UR Digital will assign/provide 1 individual (e.g. Faculty/Unit Site Administrator) to the UnitEvent Cascade Users Group. The assigned Unitindividual can add in additional individuals from his/her unit to the UnitEvent Cascade Users Group and they will be able to add, create and publish their unit events detail page.
To add users to your Unit's Event Cascade Users Group:
1) Log onto Cascade CMS with your login credentials
2) Click onto the "hamburger" menu on the top right corner
3) Go to "Administration", click on "Users" under Security and Authentication
2) Select a user, Edit the user
3) Select Membership and Roles
4) Choose Groups, Type in "Events"
5) Add applicable Event Groups to the user.
Events Management
Each Unit's folder/directory owner will have the ability to decide which model suits their needs in regards to Events Management. Below are two possible Event management styles within a folder/directory:
- Central management - Unit Admin may decide that ALL events are managed through the Admin or other designated person(s)
- Distributed management - Unit Admin may decide to grant many users the ability to build events pages
Displaying Events in your site
Below lists the three options to display event detail pages within your site:
- Event Teaser List
Users can create Teasers that list their events by choosing an event within their Event directory as their data source.
For example, on, if they want an Event Teaser on their homepage, they would add the Event Teaser component and select an event from the "/events/business" folder to list their faculty's events.
- Manual Link List
Users can manually create a list of links ( i.e. Link List) to their respective Event Detail pages as content in their site.
- Linking Directly to Event Hub Page Search Results
This option is only available to Units that have been defined under the "Department" (i.e. Peoplesoft's rolled up units) facet. For the list of these Units, please refer here.