Research Day 2016
The Cancer Research Institute of Northern Alberta's Research Day 2016 was held on Saturday, November 12th on the University of Alberta campus in CCIS 1-440. The themes for Research Day 2016 were our three CRINA themes, as well as the keynote speaker session's featured theme: biobanking and translational medicine.
Our abstract selection committee selected 6 trainee abstracts and 12 PI abstracts to be presented as oral presentations from a list of anonymized abstracts. Abstracts were sorted by research theme and anonymized by Gareth Armanious, who did not participate in the selection process. Sorted abstracts were given to a subcommittee for each CRINA Research Theme for ranking. The selection process was very close as many high-quality abstracts were submitted. Additionally, every effort was made to highlight research from departments which have not presented at past CRINA Research Days, making the selection process even more selective.
Congratulations to our Research Day 2016 Award Winners!
Award Winners - Best Presentations:
1st place:
Ashlee Matkin, Department of Surgery, Lab of Dr. Vincent Biron
"Enhancing the Accuracy of Thyroid Fine Needle Aspirate Biopsies Using Droplet Digital PCR"
2nd Place:
Dr. Olena Bilyk, Department of Oncology, Lab of Dr. Lynne-Marie Postovit
"Nodal, an embryonic morphogen, promotes cellular plasticity and resistance to therapy in ovarian cancer cells"
3rd Place:
Dr. Priya Sivarajah, Department of Surgery, Lab of Dr. Hadi Seikaly
"Depression as a predictor of postoperative functional performance status (PFPS) and treatment adherence in head and neck cancer patients: a prospective study"
Award Winners - Best Posters (Alphabetical Order):
Danny Aceytuno, Department of Biochemistry, Lab of Dr. Mark Glover
"A severe mutation from the neurological disease MCSZ dysregulates the DNA damage response and repair by the Polynucleotide Kinase/Phosphatase-XRCC4-DNA Ligase IV NHEJ end-processing complex"
Zackariah Breckenridge, Department of Health Policy, Lab of Dr. Tania Bubela
"Cellular immunotherapies: Lessons in clinical translation"
Powel Crosley, Department of Oncology, Lab of Dr. Mary Hitt
"PAC-1 combination with TRAIL enhances apoptosis in cell-line and primary cultured adult granulosa cell tumour cells"
Amr Hamour, Department of Surgery, Lab of Dr. David Côté
"High-Definition Video Modules: A Validated Novel Approach for Teaching Thyroid Cancer Surgery"
Cameron Lindsay, Department of Surgery, Lab of Dr. Vincent Biron "Inhibition of EZH2 in human papillomavirus positive and negative cell lines"
Isaac Menghisteab, Department of Biological Science, Lab of Dr. Sharmin Sumi
Marnie Newell, Department of Agricultural, Food, & Nutrition Science, Lab of Dr. Catharine Field
"Reduction of in vitro and in vivo growth of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells is amplified with docosahexaenoic acid in conjunction with doxorubicin through effects on cell cycle gene products"
Faisal Rashed, Department of Oncology, Lab of Dr. Michael Weinfeld
"Development of ACN: An Easier and Faster Alternative to Pimonidazole Immunohistochemistry for Detecting and Mapping Molecular Hypoxia"
Hoda Soleymani Abyaneh, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lab of Dr. Afsaneh Lavasanifar
"The interplay of HIF-1α and Myc under hypoxia promotes the generation of more tumorigenic and resistant phenotype of MDA-MB 231 cells"
Dr. Xiaoyun Tang, Department of Biochemistry, Lab of Dr. David Brindley
"Doxycycline attenuates breast cancer related inflammation by decreasing plasma lysophosphatidate concentration and inhibiting NF-KB activation"
Wan Kong Yip, Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Lab of Dr. Maya Shmulevitz
"Characterization of Reovirus Mutant with Improved Replication and Dissemination in Cancer Cells"
Kirby Ziegler, Department of Oncology, Lab of Dr. Alan Underhill
"An epigenomic roadmap to PAX3 target gene networks in melanoma"
The CRINA team would like to thank everyone for their attendance.
CRINA Research Day 2016 is supported by our following sponsors: