Apply for Membership

The Cancer Research Institute of Northern Alberta (CRINA) is a multi-disciplinary Translational Science Institute that is dedicated to advancing cancer research throughout Alberta by moving the latest discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic to improve patient outcomes. CRINA membership is free and has a number of benefits. 

Types of Members

Faculty appointees, including Faculty Service Officers and/or clinical academic colleagues, who are eligible to apply for and hold research funding at the University of Alberta.

Trainee Member
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows conducting cancer research in Edmonton. 

Associate Member
Research associates, research staff, healthcare workers, stakeholders, partners, community members, or anyone with an interest in cancer research.


Membership Benefits

  • Exclusive funding – As a CRINA member, you are eligible to apply for exclusive funding opportunities including bridge funding and studentships
  • Networking – Share knowledge and form research collaborations with fellow CRINA members
  • Grant application support
  • CRINA weekly newsletter - Receive the biweekly newsletter which includes news, and information on upcoming events and funding opportunities 
  • Training – Students have the opportunity to draw on the expertise of researchers and clinicians from a variety of faculties and departments
  • Professional development – Participate in CRINA Research Day and attend the weekly CRINA Connects Seminars
  • Research promotion – CRINA is happy to help promote your research.  Contact to suggest news story ideas and to have your research and accomplishments highlighted (newsletter, social media)

Membership Expectations

  • List CRINA affiliation in manuscripts submitted for publication and on curricula vitae and biosketches
  • Consider using the CRINA logo in presentations
  • Acknowledge CRINA financial support when presenting or publishing CRINA funded research. Submit reports to CRINA on use of funds.
  • Participate in CRINA events
  • Serve on grant and award review panels and other committees when invited 


Apply for Membership