Boards and Committees

Oversight Board

The Oversight Board provides strategic direction to the Cancer Research Institute of Northern Alberta. Terms of Reference

Name Title Affiliation

Tom Stelfox

Deputy Dean Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Richard Lehner

Vice-Dean Research (Biomedical) Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Neesh Pannu

Vice-Dean Research (Clinical) Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Wendy Beauchesne CEO Alberta Cancer Foundation
Paula Robson Scientific Director, Cancer Research & Analytics Cancer Care Alberta, Alberta Health Services
Tammy Hopper Dean Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
Shannon Scott Dean Faculty of Nursing
Fred West Professor Faculty of Science
Narmin Kassam Chair Department of Medicine
Mark Glover Chair Department of Biochemistry
Frank Wuest Chair Department of Oncology
Kim Falconer Assistant Dean, Development Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry 
Hanne Ostergaard Director, CRINA Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology
Chantelle Sedgwick Director, Operations CRINA

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee provides strategic and operational decisions for all major CRINA actions. It also receives and acts on reports provided from the operational committees. Terms of Reference

Name Title Department/Faculty
Hanne Ostergaard, Chair Director, CRINA Medical Microbiology & Immunology
Shahad Al-Imarah Trainee representative Oncology
Gordon Chan Associate Professor Oncology
Catherine Field Professor Agricultural, Life, and Environmental Sciences
Roseline Godbout Acting Division Director (Oncology) Oncology
Ing Swie Goping Professor Biochemistry
Russell Greiner Professor Computing Science
Afsaneh Lavasanifar Professor Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Margaret McNeely Professor Physical Therapy
Edith Pituskin Associate Professor Nursing
Paula Robson Scientific Director, Cancer Research & Analytics Cancer Care Alberta, Alberta Health Services
Randeep Sangha Associate Professor, and Director, Clinical Trials Unit Cross Cancer Institute
Chantelle Sedgwick Director, Operations CRINA
Andrew Simmonds Professor & Chair Cell Biology
Alan Underhill Associate Professor Oncology
Bobbi Wolbeck Director, Advancement Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Frank Wuest  Professor & Chair Oncology

Education Committee

The Education Committee ensures long-term sustainability of cancer research through educating all levels of learners in translational cancer research. This Committee plans and organizes CRINA Research Day and CRINA Connects seminars, including the Leaders in Cancer Research seminar series. Terms of Reference

Name Title Department
Kristi Baker - Chair Associate Professor Oncology
Ahmed Ahmed Graduate Student Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging
Yangxin Fu  Associate Professor Oncology
Connie Le Resident Radiation Oncology
Xingyu Li  Assistant Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering 
Vera Mazurak Professor Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
Lesley Mitchell Professor Pediatrics
Thomas Simmen Professor Cell Biology
John Walker  Medical Oncologist Oncology