Dr. Robert James Kelly Global Health Memorial Award 2020 Recipient

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Kristin Radtke on being selected as the recipient for this year's award.

2 September 2020

The Dr. Robert (“Rob”) James Kelly Global Health Memorial Award was inaugurated in 2010 to memorialize Dr. Rob Kelly, a member of this department who died tragically at an early age. His family and friends wish to acknowledge the dedication that Rob brought to his career, patients, students and co-workers with this award, in his name, that epitomizes what we all believe he represented: an opportunity to give back by supporting the meaningful participation in a Global Health project.

After careful selection by the committee, it is our pleasure to announce the recipient for 2020: Dr. Kristin Radtke.

Dr. Radtke has experienced life abroad. Her parents immigrated from Germany during the Cold War, to Texas, where she was born. She eventually moved to Quebec City, where she attended medical school. According to Dr. Radtke, "Borders have been a constant reality for as long as I can remember. The very borders that could have limited my view of the world have opened it up." She recounts international friendships, learning languages and an appreciation for open-mindedness.

Dr. Radtke has participated in three medical missions, where she has learned about building self-sustaining local healthcare systems. She says the key is that, "we teach and work to work ourselves out of a job" and in fact, on her second mission to Tanzania, she was pleased to return to a fledgling community health clinic.

More recently, Dr. Radtke ventured to Ecuador with the Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad (CAMTA). In addition to helping realize CAMTA’s global vision, she learned, “A doctor must seek to enrich her versatility, deepen her insight, and broaden her friendships. The more we all give, the more we all get. This I am committed to live and to share and, in so doing, show how far it can take us.”

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Kristin Radtke!



Original announcement.