Research article published in CJA studies the impact of aerosol box on intubation during COVID-19
22 October 2020
A research study designed by first year resident, Dr. Sunny Fong, and the Director of Simulation, Dr. Yuqi Gu, studies the impact of an aerosol box on airway management during COVID-19. The aerosol/intubation box was designed as a protective barrier for healthcare workers during intubation procedures. However, the efficacy of the intubation box had yet to be studied.
Drs Fong and Gu, along with their co-investigators, recruited physicians in the medical specialty of Anesthesiology to intubate mannequins with normal to difficult airways with and without the box and collected data on various parameters. The article was published in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia on Oct 9th, 2020. The research took place at the University of Alberta HSERC simulation lab.