School Field Trips

Physical Education, Sports Performance, and Sports Medicine classes enjoy learning outside of a classroom by coming to the University of Alberta SHAC lab for our athlete combine and laboratory testing.

Combine Testing

This allows your students to go through the exact same testing U of A’s varsity athletes go through. This all-encompassing fitness testing will allow your students to experience what it takes to be an all-around athlete.

Testing will take 1.5 - 2 hours. Following your testing, individualized results will be provided comparing your students to their peers and our very own varsity athletes.

Laboratory Testing

Bring your students into the exciting world of performance testing. This testing includes an opportunity for VO2 Max, Wingate, and body composition testing. Laboratory testing allows for students to learn and be involved in the science behind fitness testing in action with one of our staff members. 

Testing will take 2 hours and introduce students to the University of Alberta’s Kinesiology program.

Have a full day available? We are happy to host your class or school group for an entire day of active learning and complete the Combine testing in the morning and in the afternoon the Lab Testing field trip.

What to bring

  • Comfortable workout wear including runners and water bottle
  • Signed consent and GAQ forms, found here
  • Packed lunch, or money to buy food (many options available in building next door)

Contact Us

Alex Game, MSc, CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist; High Performance Specialist

Director, SHAC