Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the Centre located?

View the location of the Centre within the Van Vliet Complex.


Payment can be made online or over the phone

How often can one be tested?

Depending on your goals and the purpose of the results, adjusting your training commitment could yield noticeable health or fitness improvements within 4-8 months, while tracking health progress alone may only necessitate annual check-ins.

Can I complete paperwork in advance?

Yes! Complete the Get Active Questionnaire and the waiver form, and bring printouts of each to your appointment.

Should I refrain from anything prior to testing?

  • Eating a heavy meal 2 hours prior
  • Smoking 2 hours prior
  • Consuming alcohol or caffeine 6 hours prior
  • Vigorous activity 6 hours prior

Contact Us

Alex Game, MSc, CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist; High Performance Specialist

Director, SHAC