National Student Exchange (NSE) - Exchange
City: Various Country: United States
What the NSE program offers:
- The National Student Exchange (NSE) program opens exchange opportunities at hundreds of USA exchange destinations to UAlberta students.
- NSE regularly hosts information sessions for students.
- NSE also has online information fairs (covering a variety of topics) at multiple times throughout the year.
- Check out NSE's YouTube page which has a lot of great videos made by students showcasing their experiences while on NSE exchanges!
The NSE Exchange application process is different from that required for all other exchange options.
NSE allows students to start applications directly on their website. Please do NOT do that! The University of Alberta requires that students complete its internal exchange application process first before it submits applications via the NSE website on behalf of students.
Although it is NOT required, you are strongly encouraged to attend an advising appointment (either online or in-person) on any Tuesday between the hours of 9 - 11 am or 1 - 3 pm by getting into the queue at BEFORE you start an NSE exchange application. If you'd prefer in-person advising, then you'd also have to report to Room 142 of the Telus Centre on North Campus (i.e., the International Service Centre).
Please Note: Everyone wants to go to Hawaii! Although not impossible, your chances of being accepted for an exchange at one of the Hawaiian partners are very slim and then, if not accepted, this might further reduce opportunities for you at the other NSE schools. Please email to get more details about this situation.
When Can I Go?
Terms Offered: Fall, Winter, Full Year (start and end dates will vary by school)
Eligibility Requirements
Open to: All faculties but not Law
Level: Undergraduate only
- A minimum 2.6 cumulative GPA is required.
- You need to have completed at least 12 credits worth of university courses (at UAlberta or any other postsecondary institution) by the application deadline AND 24 credits by the start of the exchange
- You can't have any grades of incomplete on your transcript.
- If English is not your first language then you might be required to demonstrate minimum English language proficiency by your host campus.
- Students desiring an exchange to Puerto Rico must demonstrate Spanish proficiency at UAlberta before the UAlberta exchange application deadline and preferably through an interview with a faculty member or administrator whose first language is Spanish.
- NSE requires no current or pending probationary status or disciplinary action against you as a result of academic dishonesty or student, civil, or criminal misconduct.
- You must not have any outstanding financial obligations to UAlberta at the application deadline nor before the start of your exchange.
- Your chosen exchange institutions may have higher and/or additional eligibility requirements. It is your responsibility to make sure you find out about and meet all eligibility requirements set in place by all the potential exchange institutions that you list in your application.
- You can only select from those institutions that are categorized in the "home pay" category (and listed at or at
- You cannot go to any Canadian institutions you may see listed.
See Eligibility.
Course Information
Language of Instruction: All NSE member universities in the United States are English-speaking with the exception of universities in Puerto Rico. The language of instruction at all NSE member universities in Puerto Rico is Spanish although some courses may be taught in English.
Field of Study: All but not law
Please note that NSE requires that you take a full-time course load (as defined by your host campus) while on exchange.
You can find schools that offer courses in your major by using the major search tool on the NSE website.
Will vary depending on exchange destination chosen.
Program Contact
University of Alberta International, Education Abroad
Funding Opportunities
Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.
Over 80% of students who apply get funding.