City University of Hong Kong – Science – Exchange

City: Hong Kong Country: China


What City University of Hong Kong has to offer:

  • An exciting location in a modern city with close access to interesting locations in the rest of China and Asia.
  • Varied science course options that would likely help you to achieve your transfer credit objectives.

Why don't you combine your participation in this exchange with participation in an internship as well? We could send you on a TusStar Internship or an IWE internship in Hong Kong before or after your exchange. If you are interested in going out on two programs send an email to asking for more details.

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Fall, Winter, Full Year

Term Dates:

  • Fall term equivalent: August - December
  • Winter term equivalent: January - May

Eligibility Requirements

Open to: Science students only

Level: Undergraduate, Graduate 

See Eligibility.

Course Information

Language of Instruction: English

U of A students can only take courses in the City University of Hong Kong’s College of Science


City University of Hong Kong Accommodations

Program Contact

UAI, Education Abroad

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards