Land-Based Learning


Land-Based Learning (LBL) is Indigenous teachings on the land, by Indigenous Peoples. It is based on Indigenous understandings of the land as a relative and teacher. [Indigenous] Land-Based Learning centers Indigenous worldviews and Ways of Knowing, with considerations of land of central importance to human existence and by extension, student learning. LBL creates opportunities for learning that acknowledge the interconnectedness of life on earth, how living relations co-exist on this land and the laws that govern their relations. As it emphasizes the significance of land and location, the land-based learning educational context is outdoors or in relation to the conceptions of the natural environment.

Types of Land-Based Learning

The list of land-based learning opportunities will be developed in conversation with the
Indigenous Advisory Council and Faculties.


  • Teaches learners about Indigenous perspectives, Treaty relations and allyship
  • Cultivates reverence for the land and its inhabitants 
  • Guides learners toward ecological stewardship and cultural reciprocity
  • Supports reconciliation efforts through holistic education