News + Events

The Autonomous Systems Initiative is committed to creating and maintaining an ecosystem that supports the hub of Autonomous Systems research in Alberta, and also provides knowledge mobilization, training and technology transfer through events such as workshops and forums such as regular newsletters.

2023 Symposium

In this year’s ASI Symposium, we seek to share the progress of our research and its wide-ranging impacts across many fields. We will hear from ASI research members as well as keynote speakers. There will also be lab demonstrations, a student poster session, and workshops to showcase the innovative and tangible results of our research efforts.

See the ASI Symposium 2023 Full Program (PDF)



The Autonomous Systems Initiative newsletter provides regular ASI updates, research highlights and spotlights on personnel and trainees. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email, please let us know at


  • ASI Spotlight on HQP

    As part of ASI’s annual Symposium on June 2nd, a student poster competition was held. The calibre of the work was high, and with over forty entrants, it was tricky to pick a winner. But four talented ASI HQP came out on top.

  • Drones for Wildfire Management

    Timely research seeking to support wildfire management through the use of machine learning.

  • neuroARM

    Ensuring the safest environment possible when it comes to the health of millions of Canadians is a major concern, not least in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Automated or semi-automated technologies offer health professionals exciting new tools that can boost the safety of procedures and treatments and reduce the risks of viral or other contagion spread in medical environments. Development of prescient new ideas and technologies in this field is the focus of ongoing research under the ASI theme Healthy Communities.

  • Highly Qualified Personnnel Spotlight

    This month we are delighted to bring you a spotlight on not one but two ASI HQP, working together under Dr. Rafiq Ahmad on Theme 5 Autonomous Systems for Industrial Communities. Habiba Imam and Hamdan Al-Musaibeli form a core team looking at autonomous repair.


    Although rapid response in disaster scenarios is critical, prevention is the ultimate goal. Ken Whitehead, Scientific Lead at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)’s Centre for Innovation and Research in Unmanned Systems (CIRUS) and PI for ASI’s Theme 3 Sustainable Communities, is heading up crucial research using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to determine infrastructure vulnerability to flooding, something that would save many Albertans from heartbreak and financial loss.

  • More ASI News