Shipping + Receiving

Looking to order something for your project or your lab in the Mechanical Engineering Building? As of June 10 2024, packages dropped off by SMS will be delivered to individual labs*. 

Please ensure that your package is ordered and addressed to the following rather than to MEC 1-19:

Attn: (Recipient/Academic group contact)
University of Alberta, Central Receiving
MEC (Lab Number)
116 St & 85th Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3


  1. First, your package will arrive at the University's Central Receiving.

  2. Then it is delivered to Mechanical Engineering by Supply Management Services (SMS).

    Please note that the courier may say the package has been delivered when it gets to Central Receiving, but there may be a delay of 2-3 days before it is received by Engineering Technical Services.

  3. After your package has arrived in the building, it will be delivered to your lab, with a scan code created for each space so that packages can be tracked. Tracking can be done using the U of A package tracking system (Log in with SSO at top right and search by tracking ID).

If you are contacted by SMS regarding an oversized package that is unable to be delivered, please reach out to Kevin Heidebrecht ( to help coordinate with a moving company.

Please note that Central Receiving is better equipped to handle large packages and packages that arrive outside of building hours. Central Receiving should always be included in the address for incoming packages.

 *Deliveries will be done on a trial basis from June 10 to August 31. Packages for labs outside of the Mechanical Engineering building should be addressed to the appropriate building


Have a lab in NINT? Use this address, and be sure to include the recipient's name, email, and phone number:

National Research Council of Canada, Nanotechnology Research Center (NRC-NRC)
11421 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2M9

Prefer that your packages be sent to ICE instead? Use the following address:

University of Alberta
116 St & 85 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta.
T6G 2G6
If you are looking to send a package elsewhere, it can be shipped out of the shop.


  1. Complete the Outgoing Shipping Request Form

  2. Attach the form to your package, ensuring that it is visible.

  3. Notify the Supply Management Services (SMS) team to have your package picked up by calling the pick-up number on the form, and drop off the package in MEC 1-19.