David & Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety & Risk Management

Industry + Government

All courses offered by the School provide operational / industry experience to ensure that engineering safety and risk management principles and practices can be applied in a multitude of industrial, commercial, and institutional settings. Over 30 guest lecturers from industry, business, and government regularly support the School to ensure that course content is current and reflects best practice. Our guest speakers demonstrate how ESRM principles and practices in the real world. An Industry Executive Board also provides direction and input into course offerings to ensure maximum effectiveness and application.

Where required by the course, the completion of a major risk management project for each course reinforces industry learning not only in the principles and practices of ESRM, but also in learning how teams work, how to productively contribute as team member, and how to effectively play a leadership role on teams. Industry, business, and government actively seek and recruit engineers not only with a theoretical understanding of team-work but also with actual and practice experience on teams. The major risk management project is intentionally designed to provide the students with the opportunity to learn, develop, and practice team-work.

In addition, for ENGG 406 ESRM-MT, the students are taken to a major industrial site and participate in a presentation/workshop delivered by an experienced risk management engineer from the facility. This is followed by a tour of the facility to give first-hand experience on complex plant installations and operations. The site tour provides students with an improved understanding of how ESRM principles are effectively applied in the field and at all levels in their organization.