STRATEGY 2: Collaborate in and across the faculty in the delivery of rehabilitation education
Timeline: December 2017
- Establish FRM teaching and learning committee
- Ensure courses in all programs include contributions from the appropriate mix of clinicians and researchers
- Identify common content areas that could be offered across programs. by cross program curriculum mapping
Timeline: December 2018
- Explore the feasibility of an interdisciplinary student clinic
- Ensure courses in all programs include contributions from the appropriate mix of clinicians and researchers
- Expand and communicate the rehabilitation learning opportunities for students within FRM and non-FRM students and practitioners
Timeline: December 2019
- Ensure courses in all programs include contributions from the appropriate mix of clinicians and researchers
- A FRM Teaching and Learning committee is established that includes representation from all FRM programs and the CPE Unit
- A Teaching and Learning webpage is added to the FRM website
- An IP Student Clinic Coordinator will be recruited to develop the clinic proposal
- FRM courses will include contributions from appropriate faculty members to ensure a high quality learning experience
- Increased number of clinicians, across the province, will be contributing to clinical and academic courses
- An Ad Hoc working group will map the current programs for shared topics and explore the concept of an annual Interprofessional Day of learning activity
- Learning opportunities that increase FRM students' knowledge regarding Canada's Indigenous peoples will be in place in all FRM programs
- An internal and external communication/marketing plan is in place for all FRM programs, courses and learning activities
- Spring 2017 - Completed. The FRM Teaching and Learning Committee was established, incorporating the previous FRM Innovative Teaching Committee and expanding membership to include new representation from CPE, Rehab Science and students
- Spring 2018 - Ongoing. Draft of TofC has been completed with Communications
- Spring 2018 - Completed. IP Student Clinic Coordinator position filled October 2017. Proposal presented to Executive March 2018.
- Spring 2019
- IP Clinic: CSD and PT students joinltly offered a neurological clinic in Fall term 2018. rogram Courses: 3 new Rehab IP courses (Intro to IP Practice, Indigenous Practice, IP Electives) are currently in development.
- Teaching and Learning Sub-committee is overseeing development of a suite of one-credit courses that will be open to all FRM students