Upcoming Alumni Events

Banner, Calgary 10th anniversary rehabilitation medicine

Rehabilitation Medicine Calgary Satellite Campus 10th Anniversary Celebration

All graduates of the Calgary campus and preceptors in the Calgary area and a guest are invited to join the celebration of this milestone:

Friday, June 23, 2023
2 - 4 p.m.
University of Calgary Downtown Campus
Event Centre and Atrium, main floor
906 - 8th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta

In 2012, the University of Alberta Rehabilitation Medicine Calgary Satellite Campus opened its doors to physiotherapy and occupational therapy students. Our Calgary campus provides PT and OT students in southern Alberta with continued connection to their communities, while training to become much-needed healthcare providers.

Celebrate with us the many contributions Rehabilitation Medicine graduates and clinical educators make in southern Alberta. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with classmates, colleagues, faculty and students, and tour teaching spaces, including the new Multi-Modal Motion-Assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation ( 3MDR lab open in a new tab).

Host: Tammy Hopper, Dean, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
with special guests

Cost: FREE. Registration required by June 16, 2023.

Short program at 2:30 p.m. Appetizers served.

Register Here open in a new tab

Questions? Contact chapters@ualberta.ca