Rehabilitation Science
Are you curious about rehabilitation science? Our graduate students are trailblazers in driving change in health systems and policy and health-care management. Rehabilitation scientists are collaborators and communicators who seek to improve quality of life through rehabilitation by solving problems that enhance well-being.
MSc in Rehabilitation Science
The MSc in Rehabilitation Science is ideal for students pursuing academic or non-academic careers in health and related interdisciplinary fields. Ideal for students who come from diverse backgrounds like physical therapy, occupational therapy, communication sciences, kinesiology, law and public health. This program is the perfect stepping stone for those hoping to pursue a PhD.
PhD in Rehabilitation Science
The PhD in Rehabilitation Science trains scientists to enhance health and wellness for those with health conditions and disabilities. Students gain a deep understanding of theoretical foundations, identify research gaps and conduct pivotal studies. Ideal for clinicians, engineers in rehab tech and those interested in health policy, ethics, systems and Indigenous health.
Combined MScPT/PhD
This combined program of study permits highly qualified students to earn both the MSc in Physical Therapy and the PhD in Rehabilitation Science after five years of full-time study.
Combined MScSLP/PhD
The combined MSc/PhD program allows a select group of highly motivated students to complete the MSc in speech-language pathology and the PhD in rehabilitation sciences within a single integrated program of study.
Continuing Professional Education
We offer a variety of continuing professional education programs for working health-care professionals. Advance your career with a graduate-level certificate or non-credit micro-credential course. Courses are 100 per cent online so you can study from anywhere in the world.
Interested in applying to the Rehabilitation Sciences programs? Take our pre-application survey »
Dual degree advantage
Our combined graduate degrees offer an interdisciplinary approach to rehabilitation science, speech-language pathology and physical therapy.
Community commitment at the forefront
Our rehabilitation scientists advance interventions and patient care directly impacting health care in our communities.
Graduate perspectives fuel diversity
Graduates of our programs drive research innovation in a variety of career settings ranging from clinical to academia and industry to health care.
Message from the Associate Dean
I am delighted to welcome you to the Rehabilitation Science programs at the University of Alberta. Our MSc and PhD programs are designed to educate and train researchers to think broadly and critically about rehabilitation issues and to develop solutions for promoting healthy living. Housed within the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, we are a leading institution in rehabilitation education and research in North America. Our supervisors have a wide range of research expertise, including basic and social sciences, clinical and applied research, community-based research, and implementation science, with a commitment to advancing the next generation of rehabilitation scientists. Our students come from diverse educational backgrounds, including the rehabilitation professions, engineering, neuroscience and the social sciences.
I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our programs, students, research, accomplishments and award-winning faculty.
Dr. Mary Roduta Roberts
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Equity, Diversity + Inclusion Statement
In our Rehabilitation Science programs, we believe that embracing equity and diversity is essential for fostering a rich and inclusive learning and research environment. We are dedicated to welcoming individuals of all backgrounds and value their lived experiences and unique perspectives.
Angela Libutti
Academic Advisor, Rehabilitation Science
3-31 Corbett Hall
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Alberta
T6G 2G4
Phone: 780-492-1595
mscrs.inf@ualberta.ca (MSc program)
phdrsinf@ualberta.ca (PhD Program)