Community Resources

This page is represents a collections of resources, arranged by topic, that aim to help community members, researchers, and individuals engaged in work to find missing children and unmarked burials at residential school sites. However, many of the resources and information contained here contain valuable information that will be applicable to other types of research and community projects. If you have any questions about the resources or links that are provided, please contact us at Further resources and links will be added as new resources become available.

Please note that this website is not intended to be a comprehensive collection of all resources available, nor does it contain all of the information you may need during this process. For communities investigating unmarked graves, please ensure that you have read and reviewed a few of the INTRODUCTORY GUIDES below before proceeding. They provide useful information on important considerations and potential steps in the search process and are the best place to start before gathering additional information. Additional resources, guides, and recommended reading that will help you in your research are listed throughout the site.

Introductory Guides:

The National Advisory Committee on Unmarked Graves and Missing Children: Navigating the Search for Missing Children and Unmarked Burials: An Overview for Indigenous Communities and Families (PDF)

The Canadian Archaeological Association Working Group on Unmarked Graves: Searching for Missing Children: A Guide to Unmarked Graves Investigations (PDF) and the accompanying topical videos (VIDEO)

The Institute of Prairie and Indigenous Archaeology: Community Guidelines for Unmarked Graves Resources (PDF)