The 8th annual Knowledge Utilization Colloquium for researchers and their trainees in the field of knowledge utilization/translation was held June 12 & 13, 2008 in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The planning committee for KU08 was Tracey Bucknall (Australia), Carole Estabrooks (Canada), Brendan McCormack (UK), Jo Rycroft-Malone (UK), Cheryl Stetler (USA), Marita Titler (USA), and Lars Wallin (Sweden).
Colloquium Information
The objectives of KU08
- To engage in the ongoing development of the evidence base and needed methodological approaches on key issues for research in the field of knowledge utilization/knowledge translation, including economic consequences, theory use, and measurement and evaluation.
- To provide a forum and networking opportunity that supports capacity and capability building of KT researchers/trainees and that enhances collaborative endeavors.
- Through a highly engaged process, to develop research questions and ideas that will inform future research.
KU08 consisted of a number of facilitated small and large group sessions in order to encourage focused and meaningful debate. We anticipate that a work plan that can be taken forward to KU09 will emerge from these two days.
Click here to view the KU08 agenda
Presentations at KU08
Economic Evaluation of Knowledge Translation by Deb Kenney & Evelyn Cornelissen
Developing the context of practice to enable effective evidence-based pain management with older people, following abdominal surgery: An action research approach by Donna Brown
Models (and theory) for Knowledge Utilisation by Huw Davies
Figuring it Out in the Moment: A Theory of Unregulated Care Providers' Knowledge Utilization in Dementia Care Settings (article) by Nadine Janes
Figuring it Out in the Moment: Decision Making Process (presentation) by Nadine Janes
KU08 Notes from a discussion on capacity building
ReS-IS Realist Synthesis -Implementation Strategies by Brendan McCormack
Testing theory using audit with feedback interventions by Anne Sales
Measurement in the Knowledge Translation Field: Exploring Patterns of Research Utilization by Janet Squires & Henrietta Forsman