KT08: Forum for the Future
We hosted the KT08: Forum for the Future and the KU08 Colloquium in Banff, Alberta, from June 9 - 11 and June 12 & 13 respectively. Please continue to check the website for links to all presentations and the final report generated from KT08.
We would like to extend our thanks to the participants for your contributions and to the organizing committee for making both events a big success!
Knowledge Translation 2008: Forum for the Future
This meeting has been planned to provide an opportunity for individuals engaged in advancing the science and impact of knowledge translation to share, discuss and lay a foundation for advancing the global field in research and application. Application for impact in the health sector is a primary focus. It is our hope that the interdisciplinary discussions during this meeting will be held with a ten year horizon in mind.
- To critically examine the global progress of KT in a substantive health problem as a mechanism for grounding discussions around KT research.
- To identify how various KT relevant theories may assist with dealing with the health problem.
- To identify research methods that will assist with subsequent use of the findings.
- To produce a statement reflecting key gaps in global research efforts and identify directions for future research.
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