Welcome to the MD Program

Welcome to the MD Program at the University of Alberta. We are thrilled that you are interested in learning more about a career in medicine. Use the links in each section to explore the MD Program website and learn more about being a medical student.
If you have any questions, please email future.md@ualberta.ca.
Interested in learning more about how to apply to medicine? Visit Before You Apply and learn more about our application requirements and timelines, as well as our admissions processes for Black, Indigenous, and rural applicants.
Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards
Medical students have access to a number of scholarships, awards, and bursaries, including those listed here.
MD Program Mission, Vision, Values
The MD Program at the University develops diverse competent and compassionate physician leaders to serve the health needs of Alberta, northern communities, and Canada through adaptive innovation and social accountability. Learn more about our vision, values, and strategic plan »
Social Accountability
The MD Program and the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) are focused on social accountability and committed to social justice, anti-racism, and serving communities that continue to experience health inequities.
Here are just a few programs and roles that support us in honouring this commitment:

Our curriculum is based on principles of experiential learning. Students develop a strong theoretical background in the foundational scientific and clinical principles of medicine. The curriculum provides students with opportunities to learn in a variety of settings including large and small groups, labs, and hospitals and clinics in both rural and urban locations. Learn more about all aspects of the MD Program’s curriculum »

Combined Degrees
Two combined degree opportunities give medical students opportunities to extend their learning:
The MD/PhD program allows students to obtain the MD degree and a PhD degree with the goal of preparing them for a career as a Physician-Scientist.
The combined MD/MBA allows students to complete both degrees within 5 years.