Abstract Submissions
- Trainees (Postdoctoral & Clinical Fellows, Residents, Graduate Students, MLS Students, Summer Students) and Laboratory staff are invited to submit an abstract.
- Abstract submission deadline for 2025 is Monday, February 24, 2025 at 8am.
- Abstracts will be reviewed and scored by the DRIvE Committee on the basis of scientific quality, relevance and innovation. Top ranked abstracts will be invited to present as Oral Presentations. All other accepted abstracts will be invited to present as Poster Presentations.
- All interested in participating in either the Oral Presentations or the Poster Presentations are required to submit their abstracts using the below form by Monday, February 24, 2025 at 8am. Please email abstracts to ssyed3@ualberta.ca. Please send in a "Word" format.
- Abstracts selected for oral presentations will be allotted 10 minutes followed by a 3 minute question period.
- Notification of selected Oral Presentations will be sent out March 21 end of day. All other submissions will be invited to participate as Poster Presentations.
- The following prizes will be awarded:
- Oral Presentations:
- Best Resident - $300 (Dr. Theodore Shnitka Memorial Resident Award)
- Best Postdoctoral - $300
- Best Grad Student - PhD - $300
- Best Grad Student - MSc - $300
- Best MLS Student - $300
- Best MLT / Lab Scientist - $300
- Poster Presentations:
- Best Resident - $300 (Dr. Theodore Shnitka Memorial Resident Award)
- Best Postdoctoral - $300
- Best Grad Student - PhD - $300
- Best Grad Student - MSc - $300
- Best MLS Student / Summer Student - $300
- Best MLT / Lab Scientist - $300
- Oral Presentations:
**Note that a minimum of two (2) abstracts must be received for any one category otherwise the category and respective award will be excluded for the current year.**
- Awards will be allocated by independent judges based on:
- Oral Presentations:
- Content quality (novelty, relevance & scientific accuracy)
- Presentation quality (fluency, enthusiasm, clearly audible, pace, well structured, within 10 minutes, and ability to respond to questions)
- Layout / visual appearance of slides
- Poster Presentations:
- Content quality (novelty, relevance & scientific accuracy)
- Presentation quality (fluency, enthusiasm, clearly audible, comprehensiveness of 3-5 minutes verbal summary, pace, and ability to respond to questions)
- Layout / visual appearance of poster (use of colour & images, logical flow, only key points for background/methods/results, clear title, aim & conclusions, concise text/figures are legible from 1 meter, acknowledgements)
- Oral Presentations:
In the interest of fairness to all applicants the deadline will be strictly adhered to. Please note that no late abstract submissions will be accepted this year. Reminders will be sent out. Please make note of the abstract submission deadline.