LMP Pathology Core Services and Pricing
The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology offers basic and advanced histology and pathology services to all members of the University Alberta as well as external customers. Available services are:
- Specimen processing and embedding
- Paraffin and frozen sections
- H&E staining
- Special histochemical stains (including AFB, AB2.5, Congo Red, Bielschowsky, Gram, GMS, LFB, MSB, Movat, PAS, PASD, Prussian Blue, Reticulin, Trichrome, EVG, Von Kossa, Warthin Starry)
- Immunohistochemistry/
immunofluorescence (established antibodies available through Alberta Precision Laboratories only - please contact for menu) - Digital slide scanning (Aperio ScanScope CS, Olympus VS200)
- RNA extraction
- NanoString nCounter analysis
Click here for detailed list of services & pricing
For questions and service request / orders please email: shalawny@ualberta.ca
The Research Ethics Office (REO) provides effective, integrated support for and administration of all aspects of the ethics review and approval process for research. Click here for further information. (** for internal use only **)
Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology REB Application SOP_archival remnant samples