Keep your passwords and financial information safe
Over the summer there has been a higher than usual rate of University CCID accounts victimized by email "phishing" attacks - a scam where criminals send unsolicited emails attempting to obtain password information by impersonating legitimate sources.
Here's a couple key things to remember to avoid being a victim:
- Links in phishing email messages often take you to phoney sites that encourage you to transmit personal or financial information to these criminals. Any such email received at work or at home, should be deleted without clicking the links.
- No legitimate organization will request password information by email. Be aware and be careful when releasing your personal information to email solicitations even if they seem credible.
- Banks, lending institutions, Insurance Companies, Health Care Services, Credit Card Companies, Municipal, Provincial and Federal Governments will never ask for personal information via email. If in doubt, make personal phone calls to the various organizations/institutions to clarify.
Phishing Example 1
Phishing Example 2
See the Government of Canada Get Cyber Safe website for more information about phishing and prevention.
Encryption is mandatory for university laptops
Laptops are great for their size and portability, but they can also be easily stolen. They're also highly sought after by criminals as they provide a source of cash and/or personal and financial information that can be exploited.
You are required by university policy to encrypt your laptop and use a strong password. This includes non-university and personally-owned machines that store sensitive University information.
CISO Information Technology Security Officer: Gordie Mah
Phone: 780 492-8607
Email the CISO