EPL On The Edge

On The Edge is a speaker series featuring cutting-edge research presented by scholars and researchers from Edmonton's academic community. Presented by the University of Alberta's Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), these sessions take place monthly at the Strathcona Library Branch. All are welcome to attend and explore the forefront of academic discovery with us!

Fighting the adverse effects of chemotherapy: The power of omega-3’s in colorectal cancer

Fats make our favourite foods — chocolate, pastries, chips, cheese, and steak — irresistible. But they also shape our health, for better or worse. Some fats harm, while others heal. Sarah’s research dives into omega-3 fatty acids from fish and marine algae, known for their anti-inflammatory powers. She’s uncovering how these fatty acids might protect patients with advanced colorectal cancer from the gut-damaging effects of FOLFIRI, a common but harsh chemotherapy regimen. But why is FOLFIRI toxic to the intestine and how can the fats we eat change the course of cancer and chemotherapy treatment effects? How is research that is generated in a lab useful for changing dietary recommendations given to patients with cancer? Sarah will address these questions, drawing from her practical experience as a registered dietitian and PhD research experience.

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 29, 2025 | 7 - 8:30 p.m. MDT | Online (Zoom)


About the Presenter:

Photo of Sarah Parsons

Sarah Parsons is a registered dietitian and PhD candidate in Human Nutrition at the University of Alberta in the Department of Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Sciences. Food as medicine is her personal nutrition philosophy and one she applies when helping clients address health issues. She carried over this philosophy into her PhD research where she studies the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on chemotherapy-induced intestinal toxicity in a preclinical model of colorectal cancer. Sarah’s passion for nutritional research is equally matched by a passion to translate her findings in ways that benefit people outside the research lab.

Contact Us

Jay Friesen, Ph.D.
Educational Curriculum Developer
Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
Email: jayf@ualberta.ca