Convocation ‘23: Christian Jans, BSc, Computer Engineering Software Co-op

Donna McKinnon - 1 June 2023


Christian Jans can trace his interest in computers to elementary school, so it wasn’t a surprise when he chose computer engineering software as his major. But it wasn’t until his second year that Christian realized that a university education was more than just academics.

Encouraged to dedicate more time to extracurricular activities, Christian joined several campus clubs, including the faith-based Navigators, which helped him to build a community of support that he needed to round out his university experience and successfully complete the rigorous coursework of an engineering degree.

The hard work paid off. For his outstanding efforts, Christian received the APEGA Past Presidents' Medal in Computer Engineering, which is awarded to the graduating student with the highest academic standing in computer engineering on the basis of the third and fourth year combined.

After convocation, Christian is looking forward to pursuing software engineering as a career.

“I've been so blessed with an incredible university experience!”

Congratulations Christian!


What led you to choose your current area of study, and why the U of A for your studies?

Since elementary school I have always enjoyed computers and programming. Throughout my childhood, it was a hobby that I maintained in addition to sports and other activities. Entering university I was prepared to branch out into another type of engineering (I was thinking mechanical engineering), but instead, throughout the first year, I got very interested in artificial intelligence and began to dive into this field on my own time. Ultimately this interest led me to pursue software engineering.

I chose to go here to the U of A because it was where a lot of my friends from high school decided to go. I was very blessed to start at the U of A with some of my best friends from high school, making the transition to university a lot easier. Another perk of choosing the U of A was that I could continue to live at home with my loving and supportive family in Sherwood Park!

Tell us about your experience in your program.

It's been great! I think it's true what people say about engineering: it's a lot of work and can be very challenging at times, but what makes it so rewarding is that you get to study things not many people have the privilege to study. In return, as a career, you can make an impact in other people's lives that not many others get to do. Additionally, I met some great people over the years and have the privilege of calling some of them my friends. The faculty really emphasizes collaboration and teamwork with your fellow peers.

Finally, in my experience, the U of A's engineering program has a lot of support for students. In all my meetings with engineering and co-op advisors, I always felt respected and cared for as I brought questions about the engineering program and other matters to them.

What is one of your favourite memories from your time at U of A?

It's hard to pick just one! I've been so blessed with an incredible university experience at the U of A. Specific to school, I remember meeting with high school friends in ECHA every week for "Subway Thursdays", competing in HackED with two of my good friends, building a full-fledged Android app with my classmates, and working on the final year capstone project. I also have great memories and awesome friends from the club and extracurricular activities I joined during university.

Tell us about your favourite professor and/or class.

I know it may be controversial, but I really enjoyed MATH 102. It was a lot different than any of the math I had taken in Alberta’s high school curriculum. Yet, I found it fun and challenging to work through the problems and proofs, and to try and obtain an intuitive understanding of these new concepts. This interest in linear algebra spurred me in later years to take MATH 225 as a Group II elective. This was another of my favourite courses.

What advice do you have for current and future students?

Get involved outside of classes! Before entering engineering I had heard how notoriously difficult the first year was and was prepared to go full "nose to the grindstone" with regards to my studies – I didn't allow myself to have much time outside of studying! However, beginning in second year, I was encouraged to dedicate time outside of academics. This is when I joined the U of A Navigators, a faith-based club on campus. By making this decision, my university experience was made so much more than just studying and attending classes. In joining a club, I could dedicate time to helping others and the club, and develop meaningful friendships with people who encourage each other and value growing in relationships.

Additionally, specific to Navigators, I was able to grow in my Christian faith and walk with God which are, to me, the most valuable things that I am taking from university.

How do you plan on celebrating convocation?

By spending time with family and friends!

What's next after graduation?

I look forward to continuing to pursue software engineering and computing science as a career! Right now, for the summer, I am helping build software for a lab in the Department of Psychiatry at the U of A.