Optional Courses

The four non-core courses are selected based on students' educational needs and in consultation with and approval of the Director of the IEG Program. No transfer credit will be permitted.

Geology Options:

1. EAS 560 (3): Geobiology: Micropaleontology *3 (3-0-0)

A presentation of the various microfossil groups of botanical and zoological origin by discussing their morphology, taxonomy, mode of life, environments and stratigraphic distribution. Emphasis on groups of geological importance by elucidating their application in the fields of dating and correlating sedimentary successions.

2. EAS 565 (1): Sedimentology A: Carbonate Sedimentology and Diagenesis *3 (3-0-0)

Carbonate mineralogy, formation of carbonates, role of biological activity, classification of carbonates, depositional environments of carbonates, limestone, diagenesis, dolomitization, and geochemistry.

3. EAS 565 (2): Sedimentology A: Clastic Sedimentology *3 (3-0-3)

An advanced treatment of facies characteristics and interpretation; processes of facies formation, and facies model concepts; applications of process sedimentology to siliciclastic successions, from nonmarine to coastal and marine environments.

4. EAS 562: Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins *3 (3-0-3)

The science of rock strata in a sequence stratigraphic framework; sequence stratigraphic models; classification and evolution of sedimentary basins; applications of sequence stratigraphy to depositional systems and tectonic settings. Classes concurrent with EAS 462. Not available to students with credit in EAS 333 or 462.

5. EAS 521 Advanced Structural Geology and Tectonics *3 (fi 6) (either term, 3-0-3).

Geometric, kinematic, and dynamic analysis of structures produced by deformation. Stress and the origin of faults, joints, veins, folds, and tectonites. Brittle and ductile strain in rocks. Extensional, strike-slip, and compressional structural associations. Regional structure, orogens, and crustal tectonics. Lab exercises include structural interpretation for subsurface hydrocarbon and mineral exploration, stereographic techniques for structural analysis, and the study of rock fabrics. Classes concurrent with EAS 421. Not available to students with credit in EAS 321 or 421. [Faculty of Science]

Geophysics Options:

1. GEOPH 524: Electromagnetic and Gravity Fields (3-*-*).

Potential theory as applied to gravitational and electromagnetic exploration; magnetotellurics, frequency and time domain methods, and ground penetrating radar; theory and application of Maxwell's equations; forward and inverse techniques to image crustal and mantle structures. Classes concurrent with GEOPH 424.

2. GEOPH 526: Signal Processing in Geophysics (3-*-*)

Application of time series analyses and image processing techniques to large geophysical data sets; sampling of data and problems of aliasing; one and two dimensional Fourier transforms; the Z transformation; spectral analysis, filtering, and deconvolution; application of computers in assignments. Classes concurrent with GEOPH 426.

3. GEOPH 531: Migration and Inversion of Seismic Data *3 (*-*-*)

Advanced imaging methods for oil exploration, including different aspect of time and depth imaging for both structural and stratigraphic targets. The importance of true amplitude processing and the integration of imaging to amplitude studies with the subsequent estimation of Hydrocarbon Carbon Indicators will be stressed. Classes concurrent with GEOPH 431.

4. GEOPH 538: Seismic Data Processing (0-0-6).

A variety of seismic and ground penetrating radar data sets are obtained by the student during field school; these data are corrected, enhanced, and imaged in a computer workstation laboratory, leading to a final geologic interpretation. Results obtained by the student will be presented in the format of a series of professional technical reports. Classes concurrent with GEOPH 438.