Core Courses
These courses, which will integrate Geological and Geophysical concepts, will be taken by all the students. These courses, which will be offered every year, may be lecture based, laboratory based, or a combination of lectures and laboratory exercises.
IPG 510: Rock Properties, Petrophysics, Well Log Analysis *3 (3-0-0)
Analysis of sedimentary rocks with emphasis on determination of mineral and fluid contents and pore structures. Examination of physical properties of rocks to include density, permeability, electromagnetic properties (conductivity, dielectric constant, magnetic), thermal conductivity, and elastic properties (seismic wave speeds and attenuation, seismic anisotropy). Advanced logging techniques such a magnetic resonance, dielectric logging, and image logging will be reviewed.
IPG 512: Seismic Interpretation *3 (3-0-0)
Laboratory-based course focusing on interpretation of previously processed 3D seismic volume. Integration of well log information via calculation of synthetic seismograms in order to assist the interpretation of such data. Data will be used to construct isochrons and isopachs, carry out time to depth conversions, locate faults, and make seismic attribute maps to assist geological interpretations.
IPG 514: Petroleum Basin Analysis *3 (3-0-0)
Evolution of sedimentary basins in a plate-tectonic context with emphasis on basin formation, tectonics, sedimentation, and classification. Methodology for sedimentary basin analysis based on outcrop, core, well log and seismic data. Burial and thermal history of sedimentary basins and hydrocarbon generation. Economic potential of sedimentary basins. Not available for credit with EAS 546.
IPG 516: *3 (3-0-0) Petroleum Production
Overview of many aspects of petroleum production in a modern industrial setting. Topics will include relationships between geology, basic reservoir rock properties, surface and interfacial phenomena, fluid flow through porous media, classification of oil and natural gas reservoirs, and introduction to reserve estimation principles, well-testing procedures, production strategies, and oil well completions.
IPG 518: Hydrocarbon Reservoir Analysis *3 (3-0-0)
Characterization of a reservoir to include core description, identification of sedimentary structures, integration of well logs and seismic data; construction and interpretation of geological maps and cross-sections. Data sets from a variety of sedimentary basins will be utilized. Geophysical studies will focus on those tools useful in field development and production. Reviews of time-lapse geophysical techniques will update the methods.
IPG 601A and B: Independent Research Course *6 (0-0-6)
The integrated independent research project will incorporate all aspects of modern geosciences as practiced in industry. Students sponsored by a company would be encouraged to bring data that could be utilized in these projects.
» IPG MSc Individual Research Projects
IPG 610: Seminar Course *3 (0-3S-0)
Series of seminars covering topics such as Risk Analysis, Resource Law, Resource Economics, Land Issues, Environmental Impact, Government Programs, Equity markets and their regulation, Reserve estimation, Downstream Petroleum Industry, World Energy Supply and Demand, Nonconventional hydrocarbon sources. Field trips may include visits to drill rigs, enhanced oil recovery operations, and the archival core storage facilities. Attendance is mandatory with a pass-fail grade system. The Independent Research Project can only be taken after the other Core and Optional courses have been completed.