Arctic/Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Forum

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2017 Asia Maritime Security Forum

Maritime Security & Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges in Asia-Pacific and the Arctic

October 26-27, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Asia-Pacific region and the Arctic may appear to be disparate parts of the globe but they share compelling similarities related to the histories and contemporary geopolitics of maritime security and international cooperation. Maritime security has drawn increasing attention in the global scale. There is no a universal legal definition of term, covering broad topics relevant to many policy sectors. Elements of a maritime security regime ranges from international peace and security, sovereignty/territorial integrity, security from crimes as sea, resource security, environmental security etc.


Maritime security concerns in the South China Sea are increasing for several reasons: competing territorial and jurisdictional disputes, higher volumes of shipping traffic, protection of EEZ resources, piracy, terrorist threats, greater international scrutiny of ports and shipping, and the modernization of regional naval and coast guard forces. The Arctic is becoming a focal point of interweaving interests for many actors, with the melting ice, oil and gas companies' interests, and prospects for navigation as the driving factors. The imperfection of the international law and contradictions between the Arctic and non-Arctic states hamper Arctic exploration.


Please contact Erin Asselin, Administrative and Events Associate
Phone: 780-492-1263


Full program details