A Bukovynian native (born in Oshykhliby village, Kitsman raion, Chernivtsi oblast), Dr. Taras Lupul is an associate professor in the Department of International Relations, Chernivtsi Fedkovych National University. His candidate's dissertation topic was on current immigration trends in Canada, and he has authored a book about the politicization of ethnicity as an institutional factor in the formation of the contemporary Canadian political nation (Chernivtsi National Univ. 2010) and many articles in Ukrainian and other Eastern European scholarly journals.
This lecture will discuss different aspects of the history of Bukovynian-Ukrainian immigration to Canada, including the emigration process, arrival and settlement in Canada, and community development. Dr. Lupul will focus on emigration from the states of Austria-Hungary prior to World War I and from Romania in the interwar period of 1920-39. The role of Ukrainians from Bukovyna in the development of Orthodox churches in Canada will also be examined, including the founding of parishes such as the Holy Trinity Bukowinian Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa and the Saint Sophie Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Montreal.