Camper Application

We are working hard to provide unique opportunities to connect remotely, so stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved for summer 2021!


We invite all of our camper applicants to reflect on their readiness to be part of a 4-day overnight camp or a multi-day online camp. Camp is a space of fun and excitement, of curiosity and thoughtfulness. It is also a space for reflection and exploration of identity. Sometimes we will find ourselves in a quiet sharing circle, and other times in a noisy lodge full of people. There are opportunities to have deep chats about identity in workshops, and to sing songs around a campfire. You might discover new things about yourself and the people around you, and many campers leave camp with new friendships! It is an outdoorsy camp, with bunk beds and shared rooms. A team of volunteers will be there to support you over the 4-days, when you have questions or if you need help. If this sounds like fun to you, we can't wait to receive your application!

How are campers selected?
Each year we receive many more applications than there are spaces available for Campers. As a result, each application is read by at least three separate reviewers who independently consider each application. Applications are reviewed for completeness, goals and needs, depth of response to the application questions, and previous personal experiences. The Camp Coordinators will meet with the reviewers of the applications and make final participant selection decisions. Camp fYrefly is committed to diversity and representation within our camper and volunteer groups. We especially welcome applications from queer individuals of colour, two-spirit and/or indigenous people, people with disabilities and trans-feminine people.
How much does Camp cost?
Throughout the year we fundraise to make sure that no youth will ever be turned away based on financial need. Camp fYrefly requests a minimum $25 registration fee, which reflects a greatly subsidized rate designed to enable all interested youth to attend. The actual camp costs (for meals and accommodations) are over $300 per youth. As a result, we encourage those youth and families who can afford the $300 cost to consider paying the full amount. If you find that you are unable to pay the registration fee, please contact the Camp fYrefly Coordinator Alberta ( You will be contacted about payment mid-May after applications have been reviewed.
How old do I have to be?
Camp fYrefly Campers must be between the ages of 14-24 while attending camp.
How do I apply to be a camper?

Before clicking on the button at the bottom of this page to apply, please read our Community Guidelines.

For campers under 18, we will require your parents/guardians to complete a waiver and provide transportation information following your acceptance in order for you to attend camp.

All youth will be asked the following questions on the application. Complete these questions in advance, and copy and paste them into your application. We want everyone to come to camp but every summer we get more applications than the number of spots at camp.

Please write AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE so we can get to know you and find out why camp would be important for you:

  • Tell us a bit about yourself and some reasons you want to come to Camp fYrefly.
  • What are some hobbies or activities that you enjoy? Are there any skills or passions that you are excited to share with others at camp?
  • What can Camp fYrefly offer to support you through the challenges you might experience in your community, at school/work, and/or with friends and family?
  • In what ways do you hope to learn and grow by attending Camp fYrefly?
  • If you have attended camp before, please tell us how coming back to camp will help in reaching your learning, growth and support goals. If not, please skip this question.
What is the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)?
The YAC is a diverse group of youth who help us prepare for Camp by brainstorming ideas, connecting with other youth, providing feedback on activities and workshops, and are an important part of Camp fYrefly. We value multiple perspectives and want to hear lots of different voices at this table and everyone is welcome to apply. Contact your camp location for more info. 

2021 Camper Applications

Alberta North - OPEN   Opened March 8, 2021

Alberta South - CLOSED   

Ontario - OPEN 

Saskatchewan - CLOSED