Funding Opportunities

Financial support is usually available to thesis-based MSc and PhD students in the Department of Renewable Resources through research grants held by prospective supervisors. However, the University of Alberta does not guarantee funding, and funding levels may vary. Course-based Masters students are usually self-funded.

The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies estimates tuition costs and living expenses to be approximately $22,000/year for Canadians or permanent residents, and $25,000/year for international students (see GPS). As of 2016, the minimum stipend that qualifies as full funding support is approximately $2000/month as per the Graduate Student Association's Collective Agreement (GSA).

Graduate Research Assistantship Fellowships (GRAF)

Graduate Research Assistantship Fellowships (GRAF) may be available to assist thesis-based MSc and PhD students in completion of their graduate program. The supervisor-provided stipend may not cover the full cost of living and tuition fees. At the time of application or admission, students should discuss with their prospective supervisor whether they can expect to receive a full or partial graduate research stipend, for how long, and what the conditions of annual renewal are. Further, students may clarify whether additional income from scholarships or teaching assistantships result in reductions of the supervisor-provided research stipend.

GRAFs are advertised by supervisors on the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences' graduate student positions database.

Graduate Teaching or Research Assistantships (GTA or GRA)

The Department of Renewable Resources has a number of Teaching Assistant and Marker opportunities available for our graduate students. Faculty members may also hire graduate students for non-thesis related research work. Minimum hourly pay rates for GRA and GTA assignments are governed by the Graduate Student Association's Collective Agreement (see GSA). Supervisors and instructors may advertise GTA and GRA positions on their websites, through email lists, or by approaching students directly. They select candidates based on their academic qualifications and relevant training and experience for the teaching or research assignments. Please send your CV and details of your qualifications for the specific position to course instructors or supervisors.

A list of GTA and Marker positions is available here.

GPS Scholarships & Awards

The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies at the University of Alberta offers a variety of awards on a competitive basis. Some important scholarship opportunities are listed below:

  • Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships ($10,800 for MSc, $15,000 for PhD programs)
  • Killam, Dissertation, and Andrew Stewart Awards ($5,000 to $35,000)
  • Graduate Travel Award to support conference presentations (up to $1,300)
  • Recruitment awards and top-up awards for major scholarship winners
  • GPS also administers Vanier, NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR for current students (up to $50,000/yr)

For more information see the Awards & Scholarships page of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.

How to apply: Calls for on-line applications are announced through the departmental mailing list throughout the year. If you are a new or prospective student, and not yet on the departmental mailing list, please contact the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.

Specialized Departmental Awards

The Department has an annual call for specialized graduate scholarships in the areas of Forest Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Land Reclamation, Soil Science and Agriculture.

Note: Value of each award is approximate and subject to change without notice.

Forest Management

  • Al Brennan Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Forestry ($13,000)
  • Desmond I Crossley Memorial Scholarship ($11,000)
  • College of Alberta Professional Foresters Graduate Award (4x $2,500)
  • Max MacLaggan Scholarship ($2,400)
  • William H McCardell Memorial Scholarship in Forest Science ($2,200)

Biodiversity Conservation

  • Bill Shostak Wildlife Award ($8,000)
  • Gwendolyn Ewan Graduate Scholarship ($5,700)
  • Martin J Paetz Memorial Graduate Award in Fisheries Management ($3,500)
  • Margaret (Peg) Brown Award in Environmental Studies and Wildlife Resources ($1,600)
  • Anina Hundsdoerfer Memorial Graduate Scholarship ($750)

Land Reclamation, Soil Science and Agriculture

  • Syngenta Graduate Scholarship in Sustainable Agriculture ($6000)
  • Donald A Shaw Memorial Graduate Scholarship ($4,300)
  • Henry Kroeger Memorial Graduate Scholarship ($2,800)
  • Rogers Sugar Ltd Scholarship ($500)

General Awards

  • John and Patricia Schlosser Environment Scholarship. ($7,000)
  • Jean Isabel Soper Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Science ($6,850)
  • William A. Fuller Memorial Graduate Scholarship ($2,000)
  • Professor JB McQuitty Graduate Scholarship: ($ 1,300)
  • Ian GW Corns Memorial Scholarship ($900)

How to apply: Calls for on-line applications are announced through the departmental mailing list usually around May of each year. If you are a new or prospective student, and not yet on the departmental mailing list, please contact the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.

Alberta Conservation Association Grants

The ACA Grants in Biodiversity program for graduate students is funded by the Alberta Conservation Association and operated through the Alberta Cooperative Conservation Research Unit - a partnership between the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary and the University of Lethbridge. The research supported by the ACA Grants in Biodiversity aims to conserve, protect and enhance Alberta's fish, wildlife and natural habitats.

How to apply: The Alberta Cooperative Conservation Research Unit typically announces a call for proposals in fall with a December deadline. Graduate students from any research institution are invited to submit applications. Approval of project proposals will lead to a grant in support of field and research expenses for up to $20,000 for 2 years, beginning April.

Departmental Travel Awards

Value: $500 each. Awarded annually to students to assist with expenses incurred in attending a national or international scientific conference to present either a paper or poster related to their research. Candidates must be registered in a graduate program in the Department of Renewable Resources. Student must apply for the GPS Travel Award and GSA Travel Award to be eligible for the Renewable Resources Travel Award. Expenses for reimbursement must be incurred while the student is registered in a graduate program or up to a maximum of six months from completion of the program. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated research ability. Students normally are eligible once for this award. Award is paid on a claim reimbursement basis after the conference. Applications are adjudicated once per year, usually with an application deadline in May. The call for applications will be announced through the RENR graduate student mailing list.

Departmental Masters Recruitment Award

Value: $3,000 each. Incoming course-based or thesis-based Master students with an excellent academic record that have been admitted to a graduate program in the Department of Renewable Resources are automatically considered for a Departmental Masters Recruitment Award. The entire application package will be considered, and usually the award requires an entrance GPA of 3.7 or better. Winners of the University of Alberta recruitment award will not be eligible to also receive this departmental recruitment award.

Departmental Outstanding Thesis Award

Value: $500 each. The Department of Renewable Resources awards four outstanding thesis awards, one each for PhD and MSc theses in Fall and Spring. Nominations should be ~500 words and mention thesis-based publications, explain scientific contributions or applied value of the research, and point out exceptional seminars or exam performances. Nominations should be made by the exam chair with input from the supervisor and examination committee immediately following the defense. Submit the nomination together with exit-exam paperwork to the Graduate Administrator.